20 December 2021

Macca's to open combined restaurant and service station in Phillip

| Ian Bushnell
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Render of service station

An artist’s impression of the proposed service station, restaurant and drive-through, from an exit perspective. Images: Richmond and Ross.

McDonald’s has released plans for a new mixed restaurant, drive-through takeaway and petrol station on the old Magnet Mart hardware store site on Hindmarsh Drive in Phillip.

The 2,581 square metre site (Block 7 Section 25), within the Phillip Services Trade Precinct on the southern side of Hindmarsh Drive, is currently occupied by pop-up fast food outlet Grease Monkey.

It is opposite the Woden Town Centre, where a high-rise apartment boom is under construction, and thousands more people will soon live.

The development application says the two-storey warehouse building will be demolished to accommodate a 524 square metre building containing the restaurant (302 square metres) and petrol station convenience store and storage (222 square metres).

The petrol service operator is not named, but artist’s impressions of the project show a Metro-branded station, which generally provides discounted fuel, so motorists should benefit from the increased competition in the area.

Aerial view

An aerial view of the site. Photo: ACTmapi.

The restaurant will include an entrance, counter area, dining room, children’s play area and accessible amenities, as well as back-of-house facilities.

The proposed service station will include six petrol bowsers, 108 square metres of retail area, 92 square metres of storage/staff areas, a waste storage area of about 22 square metres and truck parking/turning areas.

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A canopy of about 361 square metres will protect customers from the weather.

Vehicles will enter and exit via separate driveways on Hindmarsh Road, while the existing driveway access from Divine Court will be removed.

Entry view

An entry view of the proposed development.

The driveways will cater to petrol tankers and large trucks, which will make their deliveries in quiet periods.

Trucks delivering to McDonald’s and the convenience store would reverse into the loading dock, adjacent to the dual drive-through, which will provide queuing for 15 cars clear of the access and car park circulation, with queuing for eight cars from the order point.

The traffic report says that the proposed development would generate about 320 vehicles per hour (two way) in the weekday morning and afternoon peaks.

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But it says linked trips could cut this by a quarter to 240 vehicles an hour (two ways).

The report says that most patronage will come from passing trade, and that the net increase in traffic on Hindmarsh Drive will only be about 50 vehicles per hour or 1 per cent, which will have minimal effects on traffic flows along Hindmarsh Drive or the Melrose Drive and Ball street lights.

The car park will have 17 spaces, including an accessible space, while racks at the front of the building will hold four bicycles.

The site will be landscaped with a range of trees, shrubs and groundcover species.

The proposal also seeks to amend the lease to add ‘restaurant’ and ‘service station’ use.

Comments close on 31 January.

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HiddenDragon6:36 pm 22 Dec 21

So at least one Canberra car dealer is not betting on a rapid take-up of leccy cars in this town (final para refers) –


Capital Retro9:36 pm 22 Dec 21

He will be cancelled.

We don’t need another fast food outlet, we need hardware and useful services!! It sucks to have to drive to another town centre because Woden is no longer serving the community around it.

I guess the reason for no EV points is that you don’t pay mega bucks for a prime commercial space ,then to have cars sit there refilling for 30 odd minutes while the car occupants loiter over a coffee, and then use the toilets , which from reading Riot is what apparently you do ( must be in the cars manual re charging procedures )

Yes, this will reinforce Woden’s claims as “Paris of the South”. The hooks of Hindmarsh drive will also enjoy cheaper fuel than offered at the Cotter Road abomination

Projection of a 1 percent increase in traffic. What a load of rubbish.
That section of Hindmarsh (between Melrose and Athllon) is already congested. The Government has a Red Light Camera there so you know there is traffic.
A servo is one thing but add a McDonalds and it’s going to be another planning disaster.

Finally, some competition between petrol stations in Phillip.

Instead of driving to Fyshwick to buy cheaper from the two Metro petrol stations there, I can just go down the road to Phillip.

If the ACT government is serious about increasing competition between petrol resellers, they should immediately give the green light to this project.

If the NIMBYs and nearby petrol stations lodge objections, the Minister should use his call in powers to speed up this project.

So, no EV charging stalls then? How disappointing. It’s getting pretty hard to find a rapid charger nowadays that isn’t occupied.

A problem with these dual service station and fast food restaurant is that you sometimes have to wait until the people or person in the car in front buys their take-away food before you can move your car.

It’s all right. “The site will be landscaped with a range of trees…”

“The restaurant will include an entrance…”
Well that will be convenient.

Capital Retro8:10 am 21 Dec 21

With fossil fuels and beef burgers from emission producing cattle being the main items to be sold, this proposal has a huge carbon footprint so is the virtue signaling 100% renewable ACT government going to rubber stamp it?

Solar panels are not mentioned in the DA. I wonder why the ACT government doesn’t force new developments to include solar power?

Capital Retro9:32 pm 21 Dec 21

Probably because solar is only part-time power and a service station needs power 24/7.

Also, Maccas would need lots of kilowatts to grill the beef after it is pre-masticated.

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