Ever since seeing the Riot Act’s article on Game of Foams: Kingslayer, tens of you have no doubt be keen to find out how it went.
We had 40+ attendees/fighters and even interested members of the public who came to check it all out. We’d played quite a few different games thru the day, including ‘Highlander’, ‘The Crown’, ‘The Kings Road’ and some good old team ‘death matches’. Photos all from the event, and picture credits to Andrew Gould, our resident photo-ninja, and Ruth Ellison.
So what’s next?
We give you: Madness? This is Canberaaaaaaa!
Structured and safe ‘battle gaming’ with foam swords and arrows. Some of the above game types plus our version of Leonidas and Xerxes at ‘The Hot Gates’. You can see the rules and equipment restrictions and construction on the FB event link above. Please note that some form of eye protection is compulsory at all of our events. We also don’t tolerate dickheadery in any form. If you resemble this remark, stay at home.
Melee rules & Construction:
Melee weapons are for tags only – excessive force is not required.
Shields are for blocking only. They are not be used as a weapon.
Melee weapons must be foam, latex or soft rubber ONLY.
No PVC or other hard surfaces.
No wooden or hard cores for homemade ‘boffers’.
Fibreglass cored , latex covered LARP style swords – such as you would get from GameTraders – are fine.
Shields can be constructed of foam, latex, cardboard or soft wood. No sharp edges!
Load out/categories:
Bows – foam arrow firing bows OR dart firing bows (must look like bows).
Knight: Shield and melee weapon
Skirmisher: Melee weapon OR melee weapon and bow OR shield and bow
Bows: Bows – foam arrow firing bows OR dart firing bows (must look like bows).
Helmets/Armour: Confer NO benefit/protection.
Shields: block ALL tags
Tags either by a melee weapon or dart/foam arrow only count on a players ‘trunk’. Head shots and anything below the knee or elbow DO NOT count as a tag.
About us:
We run Canberra & Southern NSW Dart Tag. Besides our melee events we run Nerf Wars and Humans vs Zombies games regularly in Canberra. Some of us are also involved in trying to make a Canberra Zombie Walk a reality.
FB link: Canberra & Southern NSW Dart Tag
FB link: Canberra Zombie Walk