Whatever you think about light rail and the various political parties’ commitments to boosting Canberra’s bus network, you’ll have to smile at this picture doing the social media rounds this morning.

Published on the “Vote 1 for Gungahlin” Twitter account, which looks to be an anti-Canberra Liberals campaign platform, the image is in reaction to this week’s Liberal announcement about adding lanes to Northbourne Avenue and yesterday’s debate on 2CC between the Labor and Liberal spokespeople on public transport, which we covered live on Facebook here:
The archived video is worth a look if you’re interested in this issue, and in seeing politicians take over and interview each other (see the 19-minute mark onwards). Meegan Fitzharris challenges her Liberal counterpart, Alistair Coe, on a number of points around the timing of the rollout of the Liberals’ planned rapid buses.