A 32-year-old man has been charged with alleged family violence offences. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
CONTENT WARNING: This article refers to alleged family violence.
A man has been charged after allegedly assaulting his partner three times over a month, sending her to hospital.
ACT Policing said the couple were at his home in Florey on 25 July when they got into an argument, and he allegedly began choking her, only stopping when the other occupants of the home intervened.
On 19 August, he allegedly assaulted her while they were in a vehicle by slapping her and grabbing her hair. When she tried to flee, he allegedly chased her and pulled her to the ground.
“The woman was rendered unconscious during the incident and required hospitalisation as a result of her injuries,” police allege.
Then, on 28 August, he allegedly assaulted her in Braddon by slapping her and pulling her to the ground, injuring her again.
The woman reported the alleged assaults to police on Tuesday (3 September), and the 32-year-old man was soon arrested.
He was charged with six counts of assault, as well as single counts of choking, threatening to kill a person and threatening to inflict grievous bodily harm.
He was scheduled to face the ACT Magistrates Court on Wednesday (4 September).
Earlier this week, over just two days, ACT Policing served nearly 90 orders designed to prevent family violence.
A police spokesperson said ACT Policing was ready to assist victims experiencing family violence.
“If you are in this situation – when it is safe to do so – please contact police on 131 444 or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency, or contact a support service who can assist with crisis support, safety planning and advice,” they said.
If this story has raised any concerns for you, 1800RESPECT, the national 24-hour sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line, can be contacted on 1800 737 732. Help and support are also available through the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on 02 6247 2525, the Domestic Violence Crisis Service ACT 02 6280 0900, the Sexual Violence Legal Services on 6257 4377 and Lifeline on 13 11 14. In an emergency, call Triple Zero.
@ JustSaying - I was stating a fact, not an opinion that it was the right thing to do. Having spoken… View