A&D Automotive has changed hands so it was with a bit of trepidation that I booked in with the new guys there, with former owner Darren a difficult act to follow. (A&D is at 301 Canberra Ave Fyshwick next to the music shop). I didn’t have time to clean my car and it was dusty on the outside and embarrassingly messy inside. When I picked it up it was gleaming outside and vacuumed thoroughly inside – as good a job as you’ll get in the Braddon detailers. At no extra cost. Plus they have a Corolla Seca courtesy car available if you book far enough in advance – they just ask that you put $5 or $10 in petrol into it. With new owner Jeff this small outfit is really worth your patronage, folks! Darren was a Subaru mechanic, but I think they do all cars, based on the clients’ cars waiting in the carpark.
Compromised account complaints skyrocket at ATO
Matt Jorgensen yep, they never do… View
Many years ago I forgot to declare $2.80 in bank interest. This meant I owed an additional 38 cents.… View
Geoff Stewart he hasn't got sources for this claim and any of his other outlandish claims. View
Hawker shops proposal needs housing, government tells Woolworths
Amy Pendragon that's okay, everyone gets to choose and these places are filling up. Singles and… View
Robyn Holder Not sure I would want to live above the shops with children, and not sure that all this… View
Great idea, on the bus route and future light rail, established area, close to schools, shops,… View
Courageous Lakespeare deserves more support to cement it in Canberra's events calendar
It was indeed a fantastic production!! View
Agree!!!! They deserve more government support as it’s such a gift to the community and well… View
New childcare provider rescues parents in last-minute takeover of Symonston centre
Lori J Tas I’m loving the communication and reassurance from them, let’s hope that the centre… View
So keen for a new beginning View
Michael McColl threatening to withhold leave payouts, yet can’t even pay them since start of… View