The Prince has launched a website casting himself as “the Minister you should contact concerning all constituency matters”. Just in case you have never seen him (or require a gentle reminder), his mug is on every page on the site:
The ACT Government is about to launch a new web site for the ACT’s Chief Minister. As part of the site, our ageing media release system has been overhauled (that took a little while to figure out).
This notice is your first release from the new system, which will be phased in over the next week or so. You can expect to receive a few tests over the next few days, with the new system being fully operational within a week.
All releases will be available on the new web site. The existing site at will be maintained for some time to allow old releases to be accessed.
The new service should offer a better and more reliable system for disseminating media statements
(as opposed to waiting a number of days to see a media release go live to the website)