Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
Some of you have been parking very badly indeed, and a better class of Canberran has been photographing it an emailing the evidence in to images@the-riotact.com.
Here’s what the last week has wrought:
1. Alf kicked off a very popular maneuver in Yarralumla where Victorian plates are showing us local yokels how to really park badly:
This was very popular with Bubzie also sending it in:

And Pete could not resist either:

Also Angela was not to be denied:

2. Earlier in the week PantsMan requested this one be filed under “White Commodore”:

3. Who says we never venture down south? A reader sent this in:
Thought you guys might like this one. Taken at Erindale Centre on Christmas Eve. Not only is the dude over the two spots at the front, the rear of his car is over the two spots at the back – the guys is parked over four spots! On Christmas Eve it was bloody busy at the shops, what an inconsiderate toss bag.
4. It’s not all bad news though. Michael has noted someone’s giving up the game:
Not a parking photo per se, but amusing none the less.
Selling the car because the wife is having trouble parking it.

5. Chloe was not impressed by this effort:
This bus parking fail was seen at the Lyneham hockey center at 11.30 on Sunday. Managed to f*** up four parks for the rest of us to negotiate, cheers.

6. Martlark sent this in:
bad parking from the Joynton Smith entrance to Belconnen Mall, just in front of the boom gates

7. Adam sent this effort in from Campbell:
8. Chas notes that Jamison is no haven of parking virtue:
Two snaps taken in the Jamison PO car park yesterday.
The first when I got out of the car to visit the PO.
The second a quarter of an hour later when I came back. In neither case was this a “ripple effect” because the downhill cars were all between the lines.

9. Tony sent in this special effort:
Like all apartment complexes people park in the wrong places all the time, this driveway is no exception. There are “no parking” signs and frequent body corporate flyers saying not to park on the grey strip because it blocks access for the garbage trucks, removalists etc who have a hard enough time getting around the corner as it is. Normally I don’t take too much issue with people parking along the driveway, but this champion managed to 1) park in front of a fire hydrant, 2) park in the middle of a T-intersection servicing the two underground carparks and street access, and 3) block off half of the ramp for one of the underground carparks. Sigh…
10. Bubzie has noted Calwell’s impressive ability to park in novel, but legal ways:
Spotted at Calwell Shops this afternoon. Apparently today is the day to flip your car.
Will give them credit, they appear to be between the lines…

11. Reillyyeah rounds us out:
Does this mean the truck abandoned? Anyone up for flour by the pallet?

Got an image of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it in to images@the-riotact.com .