Police working on Cotter Road on the 2019 National Day of Action. Photo: Supplied by ACT Policing.
More than 30 motorists were caught speeding on rural ACT roads on Tuesday (27 August) as ACT Policing took part in the National Day of Action on road safety.
On Tuesday, a total of 46 motorists were issued with infringements on rural ACT roads, including two drivers who returned positive results in roadside drug tests, with only nine drivers tested.
Another driver failed a roadside breath test, which was conducted after he was pulled over for speeding at 126km/h in an 80km/h zone.
Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Operations Acting Station Sergeant Steve Booth said even though Canberra’s rural roads are generally quiet, the day still revealed some concerning results with 33 speeding motorists issued infringement notices.
“We talk about all the risk factors of collisions, and one of the biggest contributors to whether you’ll survive a collision is how fast you can be treated,” Acting Station Sergeant Booth said.
“On rural roads, obviously it’ll take longer for help to arrive, so why take risks?
“On Tuesday we had a higher presence on rural roads as part of a national campaign, but drivers need to remember police can be anywhere, at any time.
“If driving to keep yourself safe isn’t enough of an incentive to obey the road rules, then perhaps knowing police could be around the next bend is.”
So far in 2019, three people have been killed on ACT roads. Between 1 January to 31 July 2019, there were 4220 road crashes in the ACT, which is an average of more than 600 crashes per month or 23 per day.