5 August 2024

P-plater allegedly caught speeding at 160 km/h in Uriarra

| Albert McKnight

Police pulled over a P-plater after he was allegedly seen speeding at about 160 km/h in Uriarra. Photo: ACT Policing.

A teenager still on his P-plates was allegedly caught speeding at over 160 km/h in Uriarra on the weekend.

ACT Policing said officers were patrolling Uriarra Road at around 4 pm on Sunday (4 August) when they detected a grey Subaru Levorg speeding at 163 km/h in a 100 km/h zone.

The officers stopped the car and an 18-year-old provisional driver from Melba was found to be behind the wheel.

His licence was immediately suspended for 90 days and he was issued an infringement notice for $1841 and six demerit points.

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Sergeant Ken Williams from ACT Road Policing said his message to young drivers was that their friends would forgive them if they were running late but not if they never arrived.

“I’d also like to remind drivers that police also patrol the rural roads around the ACT as well as other known hot spots,” he said.

“While I was dealing with this particular infringement, I think I could have easily got another half dozen drivers for similar speeds, so clearly this message needs reinforcing.

“Please, slow down and obey the road rules for the sake of you, your family, and other road users.”

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Police recently said they issued 221 traffic infringement notices for a variety of offences to drivers on the ACT’s roads over one week.

This included three infringements for drivers speeding at over 45 km/h above the posted speed limit.

Six people have died on ACT roads so far this year.

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