Actew’s Mark Sullivan has made a lengthy statement on delays at the new Cotter Dam (pushing the project back three months) following the heavy rains we’ve been having.
In particular the diversion scheme has had to be re-done to deal with a river rather than a creek.
“The diversion was designed to manage conditions which were expected to be much drier and more like the weather conditions of the past decade. However, the prolonged wet weather and almost constantly overflowing dams have forced a major redesign of the diversion works,” Mr Sullivan said.
The new diversion measures will be much more significant and include construction of a large culvert in the base of the new dam to better manage flood risk. The constructors are also adjusting methodology to manage the foundation excavations and concreting in segments which, while not as productive, involves less exposure to flood events.
Mr Sullivan said the three month delay would not have cost implications due to cost savings made by ACTEW’s alliance partners Abigroup, GHD and John Holland and the use of contingency which was allowed in the budget for unforeseen events such as this. “ACTEW and its Alliance partners continue to seek to minimise delays and to manage and contain costs on the Enlarged Cotter Dam,” he said.