Bungendore Show president Katie Asplin wants to give back to the Bungendore community. Photo: Martin Conway.
After a five-year hiatus, the Bungendore Show, once known as the best one-day show in New South Wales, has a new president at the helm and is calling for sponsors and volunteers from across the region.
The history of the Bungendore Show spans well over 100 years, so when the Bungendore Show committee wrapped up another successful show in January 2019, they were unaware that they were wrapping up what was to be the last show for five years. Having only ever been previously cancelled due to the two world wars, it seemed an impossible future.
The COVID pandemic took out the 2020 and 2021 events, and excessive rain caused the cancellation of the 2022 show. A welcomed return was planned for the popular community event in 2023, yet despite the tireless work of a handful of volunteers, the intervening years reduced their number and the show was cancelled just a week prior to show day.
Among those volunteers was the now-new show president, Katie Asplin.
“When I moved to Canberra I had my sights on Bungendore as a place to settle down for good. I love rural life, and despite growing up in Sydney, I’m a country girl at heart. I knew that I wanted to volunteer for the Bungendore Show as it was a way for me to connect with my chosen community,” Katie told Region.
“Sadly, I moved to Bungendore in 2021 and it was a long time until I had my chance to be a part of it, so when the 2023 show fell over, it was devastating. When the call out came for a new president in late 2023, I saw it as a way to give back to Bungendore and help get this show back up and running.”

Bungendore Show president Katie Asplin receives sponsorship from Garry Cook, chairman of the Community Bank Bungendore. Photo: Bungendore Show Society.
With the new show committee in place and a dedicated team of 15 volunteers, Katie is well underway in building new systems to make the show viable long term.
“With the support of our gold sponsor, the Community Bank Bungendore, we’re able to invest in new end-to-end management software with a company called Show Day. It means people will be able to submit their competition entries online,” Katie explained.
This will reduce the volunteer labour required to check in and label all the submissions the day prior to the show. In the past, this has been a fully manual process that relies on large numbers of volunteers. We’ll still accept submissions the day prior as well, but this system is something we see as an investment in the future of the show.”
Katie is keen to get the Bungendore community excited and involved in their show and stresses that there’s no experience necessary to be a part of this great community event.
“I started entering my preserves in country shows when I had no idea what I was doing and I won something. You don’t have to be the best. The show is about having a go. Going to the show is nice. But going to the show and wondering how your jam did is the next level. I have a PhD, but seeing my lemon butter win a prize was possibly better!”

Awarded floral displays at the Bungendore Show. Photo: Bungendore Show Society.
With the Bungendore Show taking place on the 27th of October, Katie is relentlessly seeking sponsors and volunteers.
“Bungendore is a small place and a lot is asked of the business community here. I’m so impressed with their generosity. We’ve received support from Bungendore IGA, Bungendore Rural, Bungendore Nursery, The Lake George Hotel and The Royal Hotel. People don’t realise the expenses of running a show like this, and we’re looking for more sponsors to cover those costs,” Katie said.
The sponsorships will help return the Bungendore Show to its former glory as the best one-day show in New South Wales, as will plans for a wide range of attractions and activities.
“Bungendore Show was always known as having one of the premier horse shows in the region – we’ll be having the horses back this year. There will also be all-day wood chop demonstrations and novelty pet events like dog high jump and flat chat races. We will have the pavilion with the produce and baking competitions. There will be the vintage engines, the cattle and sheep judging and a wide range of community groups will be bringing activities like the Scouts climbing wall, and EPA Dance will be doing face painting and temporary tattoos.”

Awarded pavilion exhibit at the Bungendore Show. Photo: Bungendore Show Society.
Aware of tight household budgets, Katie wants to ensure the show is an affordable day out.
“We’re all in a cost-of-living crisis, and we want the show to be an affordable and fun day out for everyone. We’re working towards having as many of the activities as possible included in the entrance ticket and for the focus to be on a place for our urban and rural communities to come together for the day.”
The Bungendore Show will be held on Sunday, 27 October, at the Bungendore Showground.
Want to volunteer or become a sponsor? Email secretary@bungendoreshow.com.au.
For updates on the show and for the release of the program in August, head to the Bungendore Show website.