Centenary of Canberra are calling for Not-For-Profit organisations to step up and collect the limited edition Centenary number plates, and to use them for fundraising and charity.
Centenary of Canberra Executive Director Jeremy Lasek said that the offer, to organisations that provide services in the ACT and have deductible gift recipient status, is intended to give as many people as possible the chance to own a number plate.
Mr Lasek urged organisations that had not already applied to do so soon. The closing date is Friday this week.
“The number plates are a genuine Centenary collector’s item and can only be fitted to ACT-registered vehicles,” he said. “They will be provided to local organisations based on how they use them to raise funds. The www.canberra100.com.au website has more information on how organisations can register interest.”
Mr Lasek said that organisations will be selected based on how they will use a Centenary number plate to raise funds for their own work and for Dollars for Dili.
For example, they could organise a special function to raffle the plates to their members, perhaps combining this with a membership drive, or hold a fundraising dinner and offer the number plates as a lucky door prize or auction item.
The www.canberra100.com.au website has more information on how organisations can register interest.