My local cafe charges a flat fee of 50c to pay by card (EFTPOS or pay wave) no matter how small the purchase. So that’s 12.5 per cent surcharge on my $4.00 coffee.
I heard on the radio that the ACCC have clamped down on this ripoff so paid by card rather than cash this morning … only to still be charged the 50c!
It turns out that only large businesses had the deadline to drop the charge to about ONE per cent, and businesses that hire fewer than 50 people have a further year to comply.
So, for another year this cafe is allowed to hoik an unearned 50c a sale – about 46c a customer on top of their bank’s charge. It’s a very busy place, so this is quite an extra “earner” – possibly fully $750 a day. Must say, I haven’t seen this practice at most cafes – it’s pretty brazen!