25 October 2023

Opining on social media? There comes a time when silence is golden

| Zoya Patel
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Israeli and Palestinian flags

This may be a time when hitting the keyboard to spout our opinions can do more harm than good. Photo: Yuliia Bukovska.

With the number of major national and international issues in the headlines these past months, it’s fertile ground for the social media keyboard warriors to grow in number and ferocity. And while there is immense value in showing up online to support issues relevant and important to us, there is also value in knowing when it’s time to stay out of it and keep our opinions to ourselves.

As an opinion writer typing this, I’m well aware that the kettle may appear to be calling the pot black, but hear me out.

During the past several months, as the Voice referendum loomed, social media became an important space for advocates on both sides of the debate to say their piece, reach an audience and offer information to voters. Equally, social media was a core medium for showing up as an ally and promoting First Nations voices throughout a gruelling and emotional time for many.

For this particular issue, I could see the value in taking to social media to voice our opinions – even when I didn’t agree with everything being said, even when the underlying racism of some groups was amplified by social media algorithms.

On balance, I think engaging with relevant national issues that affect us is a key part of democratic political engagement.

But – and there is always a but – there equally does come a time when hitting the keyboard to spout our opinions can do more harm than good.

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Over the past month, as we’ve witnessed the horrific violence against civilians in Israel and Palestine, I’ve felt increasingly uncomfortable watching the onslaught of public opinion unleashed online.

For an issue this complex, and with innocent people losing their lives as the result of atrocious acts committed by both sides, it seemed that basic humanity was pushed aside in the interest of making a point for many passionate members of the public who were often unable or unwilling to acknowledge nuance.

What I mean is, people who are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, who indeed may have no knowledge of the issue beyond what they have googled or imbibed over the years, jumped straight to making a political point immediately in the aftermath of massacres at the expense of acknowledging the immense pain of families and communities who had lost loved ones (and stand to lose many more).

As I watched the posts and stories roll in, I wondered what the purpose is of this kind of ‘activism’.

If you’re sharing your political stance on an international issue like this online, it’s either to raise awareness or to signal your own position. The former is important and valid, but with a situation this volatile, I don’t actually see the value of the latter.

It’s likely that the people who follow you online already know your position on the issue, and unless you’re sharing accounts from people on the ground, ways to contribute/donate or support civilians in need, or have a direct relationship to the countries involved, you may cause more harm than good.

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The level of misinformation I’ve seen on social media from all corners, including incorrectly attributed images and accounts, antagonising statements and dehumanising political slogans, is alarming. And the reality is, if you’re posting about global issues like this at all, unless you are incredibly well-versed on the ins and outs of the issue at hand, it’s very easy to accidentally get things wrong.

Given the amount of suffering people are enduring right now, it feels both opportunistic and unnecessary to weigh in online. I know that my own approach to dealing with the wave of emotions and anxiety the conflict has sparked in me has been to watch and read accounts from people on the ground, to donate to humanitarian organisations seeking to get aid to people affected and to otherwise keep my opinions to myself.

There are times when the best way we can show our support online is by sitting back and listening and saving our opinions for when we can meaningfully discuss these issues in person, with people, in an accountable and respectful manner.

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Stephen Ellis10:32 am 27 Oct 23

This seems to be an attempt to silence those who believe that Israel has the right to defend itself against the senseless and seemingly unstoppable actions of radical terrorist groups. The West, including the almost completely useless UN, has been powerless to stop these terror groups from growing and spreading their hatred. Their Nazi-inspired actions should be condemned by all, and yet we find so many of our politicians and media outlets calling for “a balanced response”, without explaining how a country that obeys and respects international law is supposed to deal with enemies who surround them, openly call for Israel to be wiped from the face of the earth and have zero respect for any law. Condemn Hamas and its supporters for the actions on 7 Oct…no buts.

Mr Lonsdale Parade12:24 pm 27 Oct 23

”Obeys and respects International law”.. umm yeah nah.. except when it comes time to remove illegal settlements, land grabs, adherence to UN mandates. In no way does that condone what occurred. Those that own the media drive the narrative, and our own racial bias, ensures the west only sees 1 side. There are no ‘good guys’ in this situation.

Denounces racism, but then drives into the racist statement:

“What I mean is, people who are neither Israeli nor Palestinian”

Only those two races are allowed to comment?

Is it odd that a column writer dislikes people that are active online? or are you expecting that we just shutup and listen without question?

Wrong. In the face of atrocities such as this it is precisely the time to speak up. After WWII and the discovery of the concentration camps, the world said “never again” and that should be the case now. We must not remain silent in the face of atrocities. Israel has suffered immeasurably, having lost 6 million people, most of whom were exterminated in the vilest ways imaginable. If people take sides in this issue, it is not surprising, as that country has suffered the most and continues to suffer as a result of racism and, in the very public comments of some, blind hatred.

Mr Lonsdale Parade12:26 pm 27 Oct 23

Never again.. but then ignores atrocities, unless it impacts ‘your side’.. (I have no side and no skin in this game) maybe you should open both eyes.

But here we go again: the self-appointed moral elites sneaking in a point-score under the guise of their holier-than-thou self-proclaimed transcendent neutrality — mentioning in passing the “underlying racism of some groups” in reference to the recent referendum. Why not instead casually mention the commitment of an apparent majority to liberal universalist principles (the ideal of democratic equality)? That’d be a far more relevant political observation. But nah. If you don’t get behind woke student-union values of identity Balkanisation, you’re obviously just racist. What a contemptible attitude, absolutely reeking of moral vanity.

Sunila Srivastava4:48 am 04 Nov 23

I think it is not just Israel that has lost out, so have many Palestinians. I think the writer was talking about opinions that were in favour of one view or the other without grounding this in the idea that both peoples are suffering. But talking about being woke here is just irrelevant and speaks of a desperate attempt to decry the green liberals ‘great woke’ conspiracy

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