We all know how parking at the Canberra Hospital Environ has been a challenge of late, in particular around the Pathology and Maternity end of the precinct, and with the added pressures from construction worker vehicles taking up valuable short term car parks, the last patients need are selfish people taking up spaces as pictured.
This photo was taken outside of Maternity, and, as you can see, the owner of the vehicle has taken it upon themselves to park in a restricted parking spot for 2 weeks now, without moving it once. Heres how the story goes.
Concerned staff of Maternity and Pathology have contacted Canberra Hospital Parking Operations Managment in an attempt to have either the owner move the vehicle or have the vehicle forcibly removed. Parking Operations have tried both these measures, including approaching the owner, but in vain.
According to Parking Operations, the owner is a patient at the Hospital. The owner when approached, has refused to either move the vehicle to long term parking space, or have a relative/friend move it for them. According to the owner, they have no-one who can move the vehicle, however, staff have witnessed on 2 occasions this week, relatives access the vehicle to a. remove a baby seat and b. place an explanation note on the dash board. The explanation note, states that the owner will move the car today (3 days ago of the 2nd week) and appologises for any inconvinience caused.
Parking Operations say that as the vehicle already has an infringment noticed issued, another one cannot be issued. How I wish a gust of wind would blow away the one already on the windscreen. Parking Operations had already contacted ACT Police, and as the vehicle is on Government land, the car cannot be removed, even if it was deemed to be abandoned. Further, when the owner was approached they said they needed the vehicle to get home after having an operation. I always thought it is very dangerous to drive after an operation, especially one that keeps one in Hospital for 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, attitudes such as those shown by the owner of this vehicle, place more pressure on the little spaces available to staff, courier, visitors and patients alike, and due to weak parking regulations, vehicles such as these can park as long as they like without any consequence. Personally, I would love to remove every infringement each day, so that a new one can be issued the next, however I would be implicated. Practically, I would rather see the Regulation changed, so that such menaces can be booked more than once or towed.