25 July 2011

Pay parking fees continue their march upwards

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Pay parking has gone up.. again. Between 50c and $1.50 more per day. Near my workplace in Belconnen, a year ago it was $4.50, then $5.50, and today, $6.50. People are worried about the cost increases due to the carbon tax – estimated at $3.30 a week for electricity, for instance. This is a year-on-year increase of $5.00 a week.

New parking fees here.

Public transport is just appalling in the ACT, so we’re forced to drive. Captive market, as they say. The Greens must be dancing this morning.

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How disgusting charging $12 per day to park when we’re already paying rego and numerous taxes as well as expensive increases in utilities. This is pretty much the equivalent of bullying Canberrans to take bus and the bus service isn’t even up to scratch. Thanks for nothing Labor/Greens 🙁

colourful sydney racing identity4:09 pm 26 Jul 11

Mysteryman said :

00davist said :

Oh, and Mysteryman & Colourful Sydney Racing Identity?

You guys realise your both arguing the same point right?

I beleive MM’s Original post is along the lines of “If you dont like what the Govt. Does, Keep it in mind next Election, as something to consider, while looking into other parties polocies, to help make a more informed decision”

And CSRI seems to be saying “Before voting for an alternative party, reserch their policy to find out if important issues to you will be rectified by them, if they were to form governemnt”

Both of thes points are pretty much the same damn thing, so, if this is an issue for you, make sure not to forget it, next time you are trying to work out who to vote for, reaserching each parties polocy on this issue, may help you decide.

(of course, if I have misunderstood either of you, please correct me, as these kinds of things do tend to happen, an naturally, no offence meant to either of you, the point you are both getting at is something i agree with!)

No, I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. We just like to argue.

No we don’t.

Mysteryman said :

00davist said :

Oh, and Mysteryman & Colourful Sydney Racing Identity?

You guys realise your both arguing the same point right?

I beleive MM’s Original post is along the lines of “If you dont like what the Govt. Does, Keep it in mind next Election, as something to consider, while looking into other parties polocies, to help make a more informed decision”

And CSRI seems to be saying “Before voting for an alternative party, reserch their policy to find out if important issues to you will be rectified by them, if they were to form governemnt”

Both of thes points are pretty much the same damn thing, so, if this is an issue for you, make sure not to forget it, next time you are trying to work out who to vote for, reaserching each parties polocy on this issue, may help you decide.

(of course, if I have misunderstood either of you, please correct me, as these kinds of things do tend to happen, an naturally, no offence meant to either of you, the point you are both getting at is something i agree with!)

No, I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. We just like to argue.

Lol, In that case, Heck, go ahead! (Keeps the place from getting dull!)

00davist said :

Oh, and Mysteryman & Colourful Sydney Racing Identity?

You guys realise your both arguing the same point right?

I beleive MM’s Original post is along the lines of “If you dont like what the Govt. Does, Keep it in mind next Election, as something to consider, while looking into other parties polocies, to help make a more informed decision”

And CSRI seems to be saying “Before voting for an alternative party, reserch their policy to find out if important issues to you will be rectified by them, if they were to form governemnt”

Both of thes points are pretty much the same damn thing, so, if this is an issue for you, make sure not to forget it, next time you are trying to work out who to vote for, reaserching each parties polocy on this issue, may help you decide.

(of course, if I have misunderstood either of you, please correct me, as these kinds of things do tend to happen, an naturally, no offence meant to either of you, the point you are both getting at is something i agree with!)

No, I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. We just like to argue.

Rollersk8r said :

00davist said :

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

Rollersk8r said :

Appalling? Forced to drive? I happen to think the bus is quite tolerable during school holidays. The rest of the time I certainly don’t enjoy it but sure is cheaper than parking, as it should be.

Martlark said :

Public transport appalling? Pfft! Unless you live in Yass, there are busses going to and from Belconnen town centre constantly to all parts of Canberra. Try trying harder instead of whinging.

While I Agree those who can Bus or Ride should strongly consider the option , I do find many people pushing the agenda tend to forget one little inconvenient truth; the number of people who do not have the option, and therefore must drive, is allot higher than you would care to ever admit!!!

I would love the option to catch the bus, But they just dont stop near enough to me!

On the contrary. I have no agenda. I’m the first to agree that catching the bus is not practical for people who have to pick up the kids etc. I was just saying I have plenty of reasons for disliking the bus – but as a service it is not appalling.

You are right there, I may not be able to rely on Action daily, but I do have the opportunity to use them often enough, And they always seem to do the Job reasonably well, Nothing spectacular, and a fairly normal rate of issues for a bus company, but they dont stand out as an appaling service!

00davist said :

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

Rollersk8r said :

Appalling? Forced to drive? I happen to think the bus is quite tolerable during school holidays. The rest of the time I certainly don’t enjoy it but sure is cheaper than parking, as it should be.

Martlark said :

Public transport appalling? Pfft! Unless you live in Yass, there are busses going to and from Belconnen town centre constantly to all parts of Canberra. Try trying harder instead of whinging.

While I Agree those who can Bus or Ride should strongly consider the option , I do find many people pushing the agenda tend to forget one little inconvenient truth; the number of people who do not have the option, and therefore must drive, is allot higher than you would care to ever admit!!!

I would love the option to catch the bus, But they just dont stop near enough to me!

On the contrary. I have no agenda. I’m the first to agree that catching the bus is not practical for people who have to pick up the kids etc. I was just saying I have plenty of reasons for disliking the bus – but as a service it is not appalling.

Oh, and Mysteryman & Colourful Sydney Racing Identity?

You guys realise your both arguing the same point right?

I beleive MM’s Original post is along the lines of “If you dont like what the Govt. Does, Keep it in mind next Election, as something to consider, while looking into other parties polocies, to help make a more informed decision”

And CSRI seems to be saying “Before voting for an alternative party, reserch their policy to find out if important issues to you will be rectified by them, if they were to form governemnt”

Both of thes points are pretty much the same damn thing, so, if this is an issue for you, make sure not to forget it, next time you are trying to work out who to vote for, reaserching each parties polocy on this issue, may help you decide.

(of course, if I have misunderstood either of you, please correct me, as these kinds of things do tend to happen, an naturally, no offence meant to either of you, the point you are both getting at is something i agree with!)

00davist said :

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

Rollersk8r said :

Appalling? Forced to drive? I happen to think the bus is quite tolerable during school holidays. The rest of the time I certainly don’t enjoy it but sure is cheaper than parking, as it should be.

Martlark said :

Public transport appalling? Pfft! Unless you live in Yass, there are busses going to and from Belconnen town centre constantly to all parts of Canberra. Try trying harder instead of whinging.

While I Agree those who can Bus or Ride should strongly consider the option , I do find many people pushing the agenda tend to forget one little inconvenient truth; the number of people who do not have the option, and therefore must drive, is allot higher than you would care to ever admit!!!

I would love the option to catch the bus, But they just dont stop near enough to me!

I’ve tried catching the bus to work before, and with the changes made to the ACTION schedule a few years back, what used to be a slightly longer but much more relaxing ride to work than driving, has now turned into a journey that takes just over an hour when I can drive in anywhere from 20mins-40mins depending on the time I leave, which impacts on the amount of traffic. I could, I suppose, drive to Belconnen or Gungahlin town centre (about 15mins to Belconnen or 10mins to Gungahlin) and bus from there but in that time I’d be half way to work.
I generally get into work (in Civic) around 8am or a bit before. For me to do that by bus I’d be leaving the house just after 6.30am which seems a bit silly when I only live 15kms away!
It’s actually quicker for me to ride my bike than to bus it which I tend to do in the warmer months but can’t do at the moment for medical reasons.

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

Rollersk8r said :

Appalling? Forced to drive? I happen to think the bus is quite tolerable during school holidays. The rest of the time I certainly don’t enjoy it but sure is cheaper than parking, as it should be.

Martlark said :

Public transport appalling? Pfft! Unless you live in Yass, there are busses going to and from Belconnen town centre constantly to all parts of Canberra. Try trying harder instead of whinging.

While I Agree those who can Bus or Ride should strongly consider the option , I do find many people pushing the agenda tend to forget one little inconvenient truth; the number of people who do not have the option, and therefore must drive, is allot higher than you would care to ever admit!!!

I would love the option to catch the bus, But they just dont stop near enough to me!

Because we deserve no better than to choose between two bunches of crooks once every four years.

colourful sydney racing identity2:12 pm 26 Jul 11

When you are right you are right, what can I say – it was too difficult for me to understand.

I saw this:

Mysteryman said :

if you don’t like what the government is doing, remember it when it’s time to vote. Does that mean you have to vote for someone else? No.

as contradictory to this:

Mysteryman said :

If you don’t like what the government does, vote for someone else.

Silly me, but never fear I will hop back in my box.

I was wrong. Apparently it was too difficult for you to understand. I’m sure the reasonable amongst us will examine our options thoroughly when it comes time to actually vote. In the meantime, my statement remains valid: if you don’t like what the government is doing, remember it when it’s time to vote. Does that mean you have to vote for someone else? No. But consider your choice carefully.

I’m sure I’ve explained it in terms that even you can understand, CSRI.

colourful sydney racing identity12:27 pm 26 Jul 11

Mysteryman said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

If you don’t like this sort of behaviour (I don’t), then make sure you remember it next time we go to the polls.

Can you point to where the Liberals, or the Greens, or another party, have indicated that they will either a) keep parking fees at the current level or b) reduce parking fees c) never (ever) increase parking fees?

Possibly. I haven’t looked. Can you point to where I said that any other party would do any of the things you listed?

…I didn’t think so.

If you don’t like what the government does, vote for someone else. That was my point. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp but I’m not sure if you’re being intentionally obtuse.

By saying if you don’t like a particular behaviour by a party you should vote for a different party (or individual), without checking to make sure that party (or individual) won’t do the exact same thing is plain dumb.

It is like swapping phone providers because you don’t like the amount they charge without checking the rates of the new provider.

mooo_cow said :

Now its $8 a day to park in mud outside CIT, Reid. With the extra income they should now be able to at least afford to fix the pots holes that has been there for over twelve months or maybe lay down a sealed car park.

Except that the extra income is most likely going to cover other expenditures.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

If you don’t like this sort of behaviour (I don’t), then make sure you remember it next time we go to the polls.

Can you point to where the Liberals, or the Greens, or another party, have indicated that they will either a) keep parking fees at the current level or b) reduce parking fees c) never (ever) increase parking fees?

Possibly. I haven’t looked. Can you point to where I said that any other party would do any of the things you listed?

…I didn’t think so.

If you don’t like what the government does, vote for someone else. That was my point. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp but I’m not sure if you’re being intentionally obtuse.

colourful sydney racing identity11:52 am 26 Jul 11

mooo_cow said :

Now its $8 a day to park in mud outside CIT, Reid. With the extra income they should now be able to at least afford to fix the pots holes that has been there for over twelve months or maybe lay down a sealed car park.

Agree, that car park has been very poorly maintained for many years. I think suggesting that it the pot holes have been there for twelve months is being very, very kind.

colourful sydney racing identity11:50 am 26 Jul 11

Mysteryman said :

If you don’t like this sort of behaviour (I don’t), then make sure you remember it next time we go to the polls.

Can you point to where the Liberals, or the Greens, or another party, have indicated that they will either a) keep parking fees at the current level or b) reduce parking fees c) never (ever) increase parking fees?

Now its $8 a day to park in mud outside CIT, Reid. With the extra income they should now be able to at least afford to fix the pots holes that has been there for over twelve months or maybe lay down a sealed car park.

Hi Everyone,
A quick question about this if that’s ok.
I recently bought a 3 month long-stay ticket for the quagmire outside the CIT. It still has two months to go. Is my ticket still valid?

I won’t be too happy if I get a parking fine because they put up the fees in the meantime.

Ring TAMS, they will be able to answer that one for you.

Lazy I said :

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

.. and imagine how good the warm cup of smug will taste when you eventually get home!

I wasnt so smug, I got a flat from some drongo who had thrown a bottle from a car. No doubt shitty with the world that they had just paid $11 for parking in the City……………….

madamcholet said :

I understand fees must increase from time to time – at the very least the parking inspectors who wander this earth must have their annual pay increases. What bugs me though is the way that the last 50c or so is what actually allows you to park for the last four or five hours of the day.

Where I park in Civic, which is not actually owned by the government, will soon be turned into many highrise buildings, and by the way has not had an increase for once, costs $11 per day. If you put in about $10.50 you can park from approximately 8.30am – 1pm. The extra 50c gets you to 5.30. And it’s only if you get there after midday that you get a reduced rate for staying the whole afternoon.

I get there about 8.30am and leave at 4pm but I have to buy aticket until 5.30. I try to do my good deed for the day and give them away if I encounter people coming into the carpark, but most of the time it’s money wasted.

I think the government explanation for this type of pricing is that they want to discourage people from parking longer than necessary? Or rather, encourage people not to drive. When you have childcare drop offs it’s near impossible not to have to drive. We do our bit by taking the bus and cycling when our schedules permit, but are still getting whacked at the parking station. We should be able to claim some kind of environmental off-set for when we ride/bus it in!


How about you stop thinking that 50c is buying you that last 4 hours, and just think of it as a daily parking fee? Which is what it really is. Now if that fee was evenly distributed across the entire working day, you may well end up competing for a parking space with short term parking. Instead, that park is expensive for short term parking, and then suddenly becomes cheaper if you commit to spending the whole day there.

I’m also not sure why you’re trying to figure out the ‘government explanation’ for parking fees like this, in a car park that you’ve already pointed out is not actually government owned?

Lastly, what more ‘environmental offset’ do you need, than the knowledge that you’re using a bus service, heavily subsidised by every Canberran – including those who choose to / need to drive to work and pay for their parking every day? The alternative is that Action figures out what each journey actually costs, and charges accordingly. I guess if you’d rather we go down that road, and then you claim some environmental reduction, then more power to you. I don’t think you’ll be any financially better off though…

mr_wowtrousers10:13 pm 25 Jul 11

I was back in the civic car park across from CIT tonight with classes starting again and I am glad I am not paying $11 a day for that craphole. The whole place was a muddy quagmire with massive pot holes everywhere. Still, it went up to $8 day in Woden where you stand a great chance to get broken into or your fuel siphoned off. Thank goodness I have free parking for the next 6 weeks and a motorbike after that.

Oh no! $6.50! It’s $11 in the city!

Public transport appalling? Pfft! Unless you live in Yass, there are busses going to and from Belconnen town centre constantly to all parts of Canberra. Try trying harder instead of whinging.

Appalling? Forced to drive? I happen to think the bus is quite tolerable during school holidays. The rest of the time I certainly don’t enjoy it but sure is cheaper than parking, as it should be.

I understand fees must increase from time to time – at the very least the parking inspectors who wander this earth must have their annual pay increases. What bugs me though is the way that the last 50c or so is what actually allows you to park for the last four or five hours of the day.

Where I park in Civic, which is not actually owned by the government, will soon be turned into many highrise buildings, and by the way has not had an increase for once, costs $11 per day. If you put in about $10.50 you can park from approximately 8.30am – 1pm. The extra 50c gets you to 5.30. And it’s only if you get there after midday that you get a reduced rate for staying the whole afternoon.

I get there about 8.30am and leave at 4pm but I have to buy aticket until 5.30. I try to do my good deed for the day and give them away if I encounter people coming into the carpark, but most of the time it’s money wasted.

I think the government explanation for this type of pricing is that they want to discourage people from parking longer than necessary? Or rather, encourage people not to drive. When you have childcare drop offs it’s near impossible not to have to drive. We do our bit by taking the bus and cycling when our schedules permit, but are still getting whacked at the parking station. We should be able to claim some kind of environmental off-set for when we ride/bus it in!

screaming banshee1:31 pm 25 Jul 11

You park how many metres from your building?

Felix the Cat12:58 pm 25 Jul 11

Mysteryman said :

If you don’t like this sort of behaviour (I don’t), then make sure you remember it next time we go to the polls.

As if the next mob that get in are suddenly going to reduce or abolish parking fees!

KB1971 said :

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

.. and imagine how good the warm cup of smug will taste when you eventually get home!

The bus I caught to work this morning wasnt apalling……..

The pushbike ride home is going to be even better!!!

Well that sucks. It doesn’t surprise me though. The government needs money to fund unnecessary expenditures like a new $430m office, public art installations, etc. Of course they are going to take it out of our pockets. If you don’t like this sort of behaviour (I don’t), then make sure you remember it next time we go to the polls.

Now we wait for the inevitable “it’s not as expensive as Sydney” tripe from the usual suspects…

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