Hi Rioters (The website readers…. not the ones who smash shop windows and steal TVs…. although, hello to you too).
I’ve been in Canberra for 18 months now and mostly stayed in the city for the breaks. Most people tend to head towards the coast for long weekends and the like, I’ve been on the road at 6pm on a Friday night going towards Batemans’s Bay, it can be like a traffic jam.
Having recently gotten my trusted 2 wheeled transport registered, I’ve started to independently explore the surrounds of Canberra. I’d often heard of a place called Wee Jasper and 2 weeks ago finally rode up there on a whim (Actually I rode up there on a Suzuki, not a whim).
About 50kms from Yass, located in a great (I hate the work ‘quaint’ so I’ll avoid using it) valley is Wee Japser. Its’ not a lot but its’ got a pub and a school (3 students on the books currently). Other notable features of the township are some caves you can tour with a guide who apparently really likes rocks, and a series of fantastic camping grounds if you’re prepared to drive another few km (Can get busy for holidays. They’re cheap but have onsite showers and a stream with running water… please use the actual toilet facilities though).
Of particular note I’d like to recommend the pub, The Stables. Without being impolite, think ‘old horse stable that’s been whitewashed’ and repurposed for the serving of fermented vegetable juice. Many a local and a few unique visitors arrive in the heat of the late afternoon to knock back a beer and talk about sheep…. and stuff. The kitchen is open and the food is like good home cooking. The beer is cold and the stories and personalities make for an interesting evening. If books are your thing, there is a good selection of books and a nice comfy chair to spend a bit of time on. If you think a bit ahead you can nab one of the two cabins which are pretty cheap if you plan to drink a good measure of the previously mentioned beverage (Personally I slept in the paddock out under the stars).
Be warned – there is no fuel so make sure you have all you need along with food etc if you are camping. The roads vary from well sealed to unsealed but even the loose gravel roads are ok for a motorbike or family car if you slow down a bit. Its rather an enjoyable ride on a motorbike I can assure you.
As I explore other parts of Canberra and the surrounding parts of NSW, I’ll write them up. No pics at this stage, but http://lmgtfy.com/?q=images+of+wee+jasper