Barnaby Joyce waz ‘ere … on Lonsdale St. Photo: David Murtagh.
Hoot, hoot podpeople – we’re back for another Genevieve-less week of analysis. Don’t fret, she’ll be back up the Clyde in no time.
On the agenda this week: we recap Valentine’s Day and the brilliant advice from Claire Fenwicke and the less-than-great advice from Murtagh.
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The ACT Government is finally going to start issuing fines for mobile phone offences detected by cameras – well, on 20 February. Why did it take so long? Why were there so many trial periods? Because Canberrans couldn’t keep their hands off their phones (not us, of course, we never do wrong, and we know you’re awesome, too).
And finally … the biggest news of the week. Barnaby Joyce. ‘Nuff said.
Have a listen, share and tell us what you think. Hoot, hoot!