ACT Policing is targeting alcohol and drug impaired driving over the next three months as part of its multi-agency road safety strategy.
At different periods during the year, the strategy targets specific issues and behaviours which contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads, with alcohol and drug impaired driving among those concerns.
Traffic Operations Superintendent Kylie Flower said police will have high-visibility patrols conducting both targeted and random breath testing during the months of November, December and January.
“Removing all impaired drivers off ACT roads remains a strong focus for ACT Policing, particularly over the upcoming summer months, where we typically see an increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs due to the warmer weather and end of year celebrations,” Superintendent Flower said.
“If you think you can avoid police by driving home using back streets, think again – every police vehicle is equipped to be a mobile breath test station, so you can get caught anytime or anywhere.”
Over the same three month period last year, ACT Policing officers conducted 26,982 random roadside breath tests, with 383 drivers returning a positive result.
“Last year’s statistics were alarming, with one in 70 drivers tested returning a positive Alcohol Content (AC) reading,” Superintendent Flower said.
“By removing alcohol and drug impaired drivers from our roads, overall community safety is improved and the potential for serious or fatal accidents is greatly reduced.”
“Road safety is everybody’s responsibility. We would like all motorists to plan ahead before getting behind the wheel in order to not become a road statistic this Summer.”
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