As far as several hundred RiotACT readers are concerned, Braddon Bowls Club developer Nik Bulum should forget about the idea of turning the site into townhouses or aged care accommodation and get on with transforming it into a mixed use offering along the lines of The Grounds of Alexandria (pictured below).

We ran a poll on the issue just before Christmas, and when we last checked, nearly 900 of you had voted, with 94% choosing the mixed use option to 3% each for retirement village and townhouses.

We reckon the poll and comment system on the RiotACT has great potential as a way to canvas views of the broader Canberra community on issues such as this and look forward to asking for your thoughts on further proposals as the year goes on.
The next most clicked on polls over the holiday period were on dedicated bikes paths, NIMBYs and Westside.
Most of you (41%) felt Westside’s shipping containers would be viable in a new home, though those who felt it was a terrible concept the city was well rid of weren’t far behind (39%).

As for the Not In My Back Yard types, most of us (41%) took the position that it would be wrong to consider all of those who protest about development in their local area as anti-progressive. However, 37% of you felt NIMBYs should allow the city to grow instead of objecting to progressive change. Just under a quarter (23%) were pro-NIMBYs, seeing them as concerned citizens care about green space and aesthetically pleasing architecture.

On the dedicated bike paths question, a clear majority at 69% were keen to see more separated structure for bike riders in the ACT.

Other recent polls have examined apartment living, childcare, the standard of driving on the Kings Highway.
Asked whether they’d give up their car to live in an apartment on the light rail line, a clear majority at 40% of readers voted that living in an apartment would depress them as they need their own space and a garden. However, around a quarter of those polled liked the idea given the potential savings on car running costs. Around a quarter needed a car to drive children around with another quarter needing a car for work.

When it comes to childcare, the vast majority of you (76%) value the expertise of carers under the current National Quality Framework, but 24% would be happy to have less qualified carers in order to save on fees.

We offered up five suggestions for ways to prevent road fatalities on the Kings Highway, and the most popular of them (40%) was that ACT Policing should provide additional traffic police to NSW during the holiday period. Only 21% were for a toll road under the Clyde Mountain, but 31% were keen on the idea of the police issuing dashcams to drivers and running a dob-in-a-dangerous driver campaign. 28% would like to see instant licence suspension for offenders replace the double demerits system. Only 12% felt felt speeding or drink drivers should be banned from the coast road for five years.

Finally for this week, most RiotACT readers agree with the Raiders’ decision to ditch game day cheerleaders, with 63% believing the move will make Raiders games more appealing for women and children and 37% disagreeing, saying they enjoyed the colour and atmosphere the Emeralds brought to matches.

You can see our current poll on the right hand of the home page each day. Look out for new polls in the text area of opinion pieces and news stories through the week. Current polls awaiting your vote examine a six-storey development proposed for Curtin and the question of opt-out vs opt-in organ donation.