666 had a guy from the ABS on (yesterday, while RA took the ACT-traditional early start to their long weekend) talking about how they’ve revised the ACT population stats, and that this resulted in an upward revision of the number by 5,000 to 336,000.
Apparently lots of people don’t actually change their addresses when they move here, and they are concerned that there are actually a lot more they can’t account for.
The ACT government apparently also set aside a couple hundred Ks in their budget to encourage people to at least change their Medicare address, because ABS adds that onto their number to get closer to the real figure (because Medicare asks for your address EVERY SINGLE time you make a claim…)
Why are the real numbers so important? Because it goes into calculating the ACT’s share of the GST kitty.
They don’t appear to have twigged that – for Queenslanders anyway – not changing your address means keeping WAY cheaper car rego, and that just being more reasonable with the rego costs here might make as big a difference. Been wondering why there are so many Qld plated cars around Canberra. Pity I didn’t twig to that until after I transferred my cars…