The ACT Auditor-General has announced the release of a report titled: “Proposal for a gas-fired power station and data centre – site selection process”
Note that even the Auditor-General is calling this beast a power station first.
Here are the key findings:
- — Government agencies complied with the existing Government processes, leading to the agreement on a site (Block 1671, District of Tuggeranong) for the proposed Canberra Technology City project. These processes, however, were not sufficiently robust to give confidence that the public interest was fully taken into account.
— Under the current processes, the proponents have the sole responsibility to assess the best site for the proposed project and apply for a direct land sale. Government agencies did not formally assess and rank the relative merits of the proponents’ suggested sites against a clear set of criteria. A suitable site that meets the commercial needs of the proponents may not necessarily equate to the optimum site from the Territory’s point of view, when taking into account wider public interest criteria.
UPDATED: Zed has announced the Liberals will be attempting to amend the Bill greenlighting the new location. He’s also very pleased with the auditor-general.
Mr Stanhope on the other hand has declared the auditor-general to be “wrongheaded” on 666 this morning.