The Measuring Our Progress website is reporting a big green up arrow for life expectancy in the ACT:
the decade to 2009 the life expectancy at birth of both males and females has increased.
The life expectancy at birth for males rose by 3.5 per cent (2.7 years) over the last ten years, from 77.8 years in 1999 to 80.5 years in 2009. This is above the national average life expectancy at birth of 79.3 years for males.
The life expectancy at birth for females rose by 3.1 per cent (2.5 years) over the last decade, from 81.8 years in 1999 to 84.3 years in 2009. This is above the national average life expectancy at birth of 83.9 years for females.
This increase in life expectancy at birth can be attributed, in part, to improvements in the treatment of a number of health issues including cancer and heart disease, as well as improvements in the provision of health services. There has also been an increase in the standard of living which can be attributed to increased disposable household income.