In a recent article in a magazine style publication seen all over town the spokesperson for the property people slammed the notion that property developers were greedy and uncaring. As mentioned in the article, all businesses are out to make a profit so why should we pick on property developers?
Hands up those of you who have ever heard, first hand, a property developer sigh, then utter the words, “No, I have made enough profit, no more for me. I will now just cover costs for the rest of the year.”
A quick look around this town at some of the developments in place, and proposed, just wouldn’t convince anyone that the developers of Canberra have no say at all in the local (farce) government. The Government has admitted that a major source of revenue is land release. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them, therefore I put it to you that land and property developers can get away with almost anything they want.
As for lobbying, I would bring your attention to last night’s 4 Corners, “The Dark Arts”
Thats enough for my first rant.