Chief Minister Gallagher has the happy news that selected public conveniences are being improved while new facilities will be going into Scullin Shops, Campbell Shops, Mulligan’s Flat Woodland Sanctuary and Molonglo Reach.
“New public toilet facilities will be installed at Scullin Shops, Campbell Shops, Mulligan’s Flat Woodland Sanctuary and Molonglo Reach,” the Chief Minister said.
“Work at Scullin Shops and Mulligan’s Flat Woodland Sanctuary is now underway and the remaining sites will be completed by August 2012.
“The new public toilet sites were chosen based on increasing demand in the area, accessibility requirements and availability of land.
“The external colour, design and materials will ensure each facility retains the unique identity of the surrounding area. For instance Mulligan’s Flat will have rustic external features such as corrugated iron cladding to reflect the style and character of the Mulligan’s Flat shearing shed,” the Chief Minister said.
Existing public toilet facilities at Glebe Park, Acton Park, Lotus Bay and Chisholm Shops were selected for refurbishment based on an audit which assessed factors including accessibility, safety, condition, visual amenity and demand.
All the new and fully refurbished toilet facilities will include one unisex toilet with a sink, sharps container, shelf, soap dispenser and coat hooks. The facilities will also have safety and accessibility features such as new signage, pans and hand rails compliant with the current Australian Standards.
[Photo: Glebe Park toilets]