It probably comes as no surprise that after a few drinks rugby league players can be less than chivalrous to the fairer sex. Certainly in recent times the off the field conduct of some NRL clubs has been well publicised. The Canberra Raiders however are set to take some quite confrontational steps at improving the off field conduct of their players according to this article on ABC Online. As a first for the NRL, Canberra Raiders players will be made to listen first hand to the story of a Rape victim.
AFP officer Phil Maynard who has designed the program had this to say about it.
“A lot of people think that sexual assault is rape. They don’t think a sexual assault is being disrespectful sexually to somebody. They don’t think sexual assault is actually pinching a girl on the backside in a disco. They think that’s accepted culture, and that culture has to change.”
I think this is a positive move. It takes empahsis away from token fines, or two match suspensions for inappropriate behaviour and places it where it truely belongs, on the real social and personal impact of that behaviour.