5 September 2012

Rainbow coalition to collide with Christian Lobby and Gillard security on 6 October

| johnboy
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It seems the LGBT community is bussing in to protest Julia Gillard prostrating herself to the Australian Christian Lobby.

6 October is shaping up to be a bit of fun around town then.

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Mordd said :

I prefer the Church of the SubGenius, it openly encourages wanton mockery of all other religious organisations and institutions, and you can’t accuse me of religious mockery because my mockery is protected by my religion just like christians mockery of homosexuals. Ah gotta love it hey? 😛

“I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter”

p1 said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Yup. Why is it ok for religious zealots to openly hate on gays and even try their best to oppress them, but if anyone points this out then they are the bad person for infringing on their fairy tale?

Someone needs to register “gay” as a religion.

I prefer the Church of the SubGenius, it openly encourages wanton mockery of all other religious organisations and institutions, and you can’t accuse me of religious mockery because my mockery is protected by my religion just like christians mockery of homosexuals. Ah gotta love it hey? 😛

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Yup. Why is it ok for religious zealots to openly hate on gays and even try their best to oppress them, but if anyone points this out then they are the bad person for infringing on their fairy tale?

Someone needs to register “gay” as a religion.

colourful sydney racing identity9:33 am 07 Sep 12

I do not often find myself agreeing with Warren Entsch, but I have to agree with this:

‘When I read this I thought that Jim Wallace must have been hibernating under a rock or in a cave somewhere in the deep, dark depths of the wilderness of Tasmania, maybe on the western coast somewhere, and is suddenly awakened from an absolute sleep from probably 1,000 years ago.’

‘He’s probably still walking on his knuckles.’

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:56 am 07 Sep 12

LSWCHP said :

Truthiness said :

Except the Christian lobby group well and truly started this, its not like the lbgt community is advocating “no Christians”….

And therein lies the major mistake of the lbgt folks, and almost everybody else. The Christian fundies have taken control of the moral high ground. Their attitude is “You have to respect my religous beliefs because religion must be respected without question, no matter how odious my beliefs are”.

Well, the things they believe are often obnoxious and disgusting. Not all religious beliefs deserve respect. Loony fundamentalist nutters who are full of hate for those who are not like themselves should be challenged and mocked and scorned at every opportunity. Ultimately, we should aim for a community where religious fundamentalism (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Zorostarian or whatever) is universally regarded with the same distaste that those people now show for gays and other minorities.

Yup. Why is it ok for religious zealots to openly hate on gays and even try their best to oppress them, but if anyone points this out then they are the bad person for infringing on their fairy tale?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:55 am 07 Sep 12

Dilandach said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What about the loads of Christian hyeo couples that enjoy anal and oral?

What Wallace thinks goes on in each god fearing christian home.


….and in reality:


Haha winning

So is the protest still going ahead? I never say no to a chance to poke a stick at christian fundamentalists, its so much fun quoting the bible back at them if you know it well enough, trip them up with their own words, should be a fun morning!

Dilandach said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What about the loads of Christian hyeo couples that enjoy anal and oral?

What Wallace thinks goes on in each god fearing christian home.


….and in reality:


Premium!!! 🙂

colourful sydney racing identity said :

The sooner groups like this are ignored the better.

They add absolutely nothing to the debate, not that there is much to debate about.

Gillard did the right thing by refusing to talk to them.


Wrong. She should have addressed them, and castigated them. Unfortunately, that honest move would not suit the outer-marginal-seats agenda, which is where the Christian fundamentalist vote sits.

Truthiness said :

Except the Christian lobby group well and truly started this, its not like the lbgt community is advocating “no Christians”….

And therein lies the major mistake of the lbgt folks, and almost everybody else. The Christian fundies have taken control of the moral high ground. Their attitude is “You have to respect my religous beliefs because religion must be respected without question, no matter how odious my beliefs are”.

Well, the things they believe are often obnoxious and disgusting. Not all religious beliefs deserve respect. Loony fundamentalist nutters who are full of hate for those who are not like themselves should be challenged and mocked and scorned at every opportunity. Ultimately, we should aim for a community where religious fundamentalism (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Zorostarian or whatever) is universally regarded with the same distaste that those people now show for gays and other minorities.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What about the loads of Christian hyeo couples that enjoy anal and oral?

What Wallace thinks goes on in each god fearing christian home.


….and in reality:


Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd7:00 pm 06 Sep 12

p1 said :

johnboy said :

Jim Wallace is having a good old moan about being booted:


Wow, does that guy know how to use weasel words or what?

“The experience in places like Massachusetts is that it is very difficult to have this conversation where the lifestyle is held to be the equal of marriage.”

So, homosexual sex is different from hetrosexual sex, therefore we shouldn’t let homosexual sex be equated with marriage because then it is hard to educate children about safe sex…. Mmmmm…. Nutsack.

What about the loads of Christian hyeo couples that enjoy anal and oral?

I found his comment that Greens care about trees more than children to be equally as stupid, although at least not so outright offensive. It’s the same vein as Romney’s comment that Obama wants to heal the Earth, Romney just wants to look after your family.

Do these halfwits not realise that protecting our environment is absolutely essential if we want to protect the future health and well-being of our children and the society they live in? I only became really environmentally aware after I had kids because I realised how important it is that they inherit a planet that is healthy enough to look after them.

R. Slicker said :

It seems Gillard has backtracked and has now cancelled her appearance:



I wonder if the rally will still go ahead?

It was stupid and naive for Gillard (or her staff) to book the appearance at the conference in the first place. The ACL represents nobody and is just a hard right nutter group. Their huge influence with politicians and the way they were able to hold their conferences in the Great Hall and have all the political leaders in this country address them is a blight on this country. It is a frightening example of how an inconsequential pressure group can hijack the political agenda and railroad the rights of a substantial proportion of the population.

Well said.

It’s comforting, to a degree, that she or her advisors finally realised what an incredibly idiotic decision it was to give any oxygen at all to these scum in the first place – but they did make the decision in the first place. If you were in any doubt at all about how many principles Labor is prepared to sacrifice for a few tainted votes, look no further.

It seems Gillard has backtracked and has now cancelled her appearance:



I wonder if the rally will still go ahead?

It was stupid and naive for Gillard (or her staff) to book the appearance at the conference in the first place. The ACL represents nobody and is just a hard right nutter group. Their huge influence with politicians and the way they were able to hold their conferences in the Great Hall and have all the political leaders in this country address them is a blight on this country. It is a frightening example of how an inconsequential pressure group can hijack the political agenda and railroad the rights of a substantial proportion of the population.

colourful sydney racing identity2:18 pm 06 Sep 12

The sooner groups like this are ignored the better.

They add absolutely nothing to the debate, not that there is much to debate about.

Gillard did the right thing by refusing to talk to them.


Shame she got there only after having agreed to speak to the toolbangers.

johnboy said :

Jim Wallace is having a good old moan about being booted:


Wow, does that guy know how to use weasel words or what?

“The experience in places like Massachusetts is that it is very difficult to have this conversation where the lifestyle is held to be the equal of marriage.”

So, homosexual sex is different from hetrosexual sex, therefore we shouldn’t let homosexual sex be equated with marriage because then it is hard to educate children about safe sex…. Mmmmm…. Nutsack.

watto23 said :

Dare I say there are possibly even gay christians, who the ACL would claim are no longer christian despite their religious beliefs.

The ACL claim all sorts of whacky stuff, and like to pretend that a large segment of the community agree with them.

The ACL are to Christians what Leatherface is to Forestry Workers.

p1 said :

Truthiness said :

Except the Christian lobby group well and truly started this, its not like the lbgt community is advocating “no Christians”, where as plenty of Christians are advocating “no gays”.

This sums it up pretty well.

Dare I say there are possibly even gay christians, who the ACL would claim are no longer christian despite their religious beliefs.

Truthiness said :

Except the Christian lobby group well and truly started this, its not like the lbgt community is advocating “no Christians”, where as plenty of Christians are advocating “no gays”.

This sums it up pretty well.

housebound said :

It’s a pretty aggressive move, when you think about it – picketing the visiti of a PM with a lobby group.

All this will do is convince some people that the real aim of the LBGT lobby is to remove the rights of Christians to have a public opinion or speak with politicians on anything. It doesn’t make them look like they really want equality.

Except the Christian lobby group well and truly started this, its not like the lbgt community is advocating “no Christians”, where as plenty of Christians are advocating “no gays”.

If the Christians left the gays alone the gays would leave the Christians alone, but the Christian lobby just keeps on attacking.

colourful sydney racing identity10:30 am 06 Sep 12

housebound said :

It’s a pretty aggressive move, when you think about it – picketing the visiti of a PM with a lobby group.

All this will do is convince some people that the real aim of the LBGT lobby is to remove the rights of Christians to have a public opinion or speak with politicians on anything. It doesn’t make them look like they really want equality.

The ‘Christian Lobby’ is not about christians it is about religious extremsits – I certainly hope they don’t speak for most christians…

It’s a pretty aggressive move, when you think about it – picketing the visiti of a PM with a lobby group.

All this will do is convince some people that the real aim of the LBGT lobby is to remove the rights of Christians to have a public opinion or speak with politicians on anything. It doesn’t make them look like they really want equality.

Gillard doesn’t have a left bone in her body.

Given that the fundies never vote for anyone other than the family parties and the Libs I will never understand the inclination of Gillard and others, to waste precious oxygen on them. They’re filled with hate and ignorance, that they try to justify by saying that they just want to help people.

banco said :

I find it hard to believe that someone from the left of the labor party, who lives with her boyfriend and is an atheist is sincerely opposed to gay marriage. She’s a total cynic.

Indeed. Don’t forget, though, that the “left” of the Labor Party is still the right.

She and her party are political whores who’ll sell out any principle for a vote.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:51 am 06 Sep 12


banco said :

I find it hard to believe that someone from the left of the labor party, who lives with her boyfriend and is an atheist is sincerely opposed to gay marriage. She’s a total cynic.

Have you seen the clothes she wears? A ranga who wears a bright orange blazer does not have any judgement whatsoever.

Truthiness said :

I may not know much, but I’ve learned not to fuck with dykes, they’re scary when angry.

Being a bloke, I find it remarkably easy not to f*ck with dykes. 🙂

Anyway, this is mind boggling. An atheist PM as the keynote speaker in front of a bunch of religious nutbags? What could she possibly be thinking, if anything?

I find it hard to believe that someone from the left of the labor party, who lives with her boyfriend and is an atheist is sincerely opposed to gay marriage. She’s a total cynic.

I may not know much, but I’ve learned not to fuck with dykes, they’re scary when angry.

These religious types can’t help themselves, always poking around in other people’s pants. Say what you like about the lbgt community, but at least they aren’t trying to control other people’s sex lives, the Christians are clearly the aggressors here.

Why politicians pander to a small organisation whose bark is far worse than its bite I’ll never know. Seriously, they’re obvious nutjobs that claim to speak for all christians/catholics when the reality is that the majority of said groups detest the ACL.

That said, I just get the feeling that even though she’s a self confessed atheist that doesn’t honestly hold the views she professes to the christian lobby groups. I just get a sense of dishonesty and a willingness to sell her own soul for support.

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