Everyone who’s ever relied on buses to get to work knows the feeling.
They’re running slightly late in the morning and start stressing and cutting things out of their morning routine to get to the bus stop on time. Maybe it’s finishing the cup of coffee, maybe it’s a quick but vital trip to the smallest room in the house, maybe it’s shaving or getting the makeup right.
But essential parts of the preparation for the day get left out to rush down to the bus stop.
Only to stand around for ten minutes reflecting on just how much they wish they’d known they had that vital 10 minutes.
today Katy Gallagher is holding out the hope we can make that annoying part of human existence a thing of the past.
Because if you can track your chosen bus’s movement on your phone (or hey for breakfast in two year’s time maybe your TV) you’ll at least know if you actually have ten minutes to spare, none, or if you’ve already missed the damn thing and can take it easy.
The new system will follow the progress of ACTION buses on their runs and provide instant information to passengers in relation to their current location and their estimated arrival time at the next stop.
“For the first time in Canberra, people will have access to real time arrival and departure information and instant access to timetables for all ACTION bus services. It is expected that schedules will be available via digital displays installed at selected bus stops, the internet, mobile phones, touch screen displays and on bus visual displays,” the Chief Minister said.
“A total of $12.5 million was allocated in the 2010-11 ACT Budget over three years to allow for the design and roll out of the system and will further improve the delivery of public transport services to the community.”
The request for tender seeks services for the design, supply and installation of the system; the provision of wireless communication for the system; and the development of mobile applications to access the live data
The ACT Government has engaged consultants KEMA Pty Ltd, who have demonstrated experience in the delivery of innovative transport solutions, to manage the implementation of real time passenger information.
“Installation of real time passenger information is expected to commence in mid-2012 with the system becoming fully operational by 2013,” the Chief Minister concluded.
And it shouldn’t be too hard to leave the scope open for light rail too.
Sure by 2013 we’d have preferred jetpacks and flying cars, but situational awareness of the bus network will do.