Feel nervous when due to see the dentist? Or “just hate going”? Tempted to put it off…and off again? Participate in a trial of therapeutic self-help technique shown to be helpful for many fears and phobias, and for reducing stress in measurable ways.
The trial is open to anyone less than comfortable with dental treatment. Even mild anxiety can get worse over time if not worked through. Even severe anxiety and avoidance can get a lot better when treated. Making the decision to do something is a great first step. It’s a really common problem and usually arises due to early difficult experiences, so it’s not your fault!
Addressing dental anxiety significantly boosts quality of life and wellbeing. There is a lot to gain from participating in this study and it will only cost a few hours of your time. But wait – there’s more! One person in each group will win a $100 shopping voucher!
More details including contact info at https://tinyurl.com/oa6fgad
Study approved by University of Canberra Human Research Ethics Committee, project 15-105