3 September 2008

RiotACT Sim Challenge Round Five - Jacqui Myers - Liberal for Ginninderra

| johnboy
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The RiotACT Sim Challenge gathers pace on Thursday evening with the Liberal candidate for Ginninderra, Jacqui Myers, becoming both the first Liberal, and the first woman, to take up the challenge in O’Connor’s All Bar Nun.

Jacqui will be demonstrating her priorities while building a community of Sims and you’re all welcome to come along to offer the helpful advice for which the RiotACT community is justly famed.

It’s a 4pm start which means there should be plenty of action happening after 6. (it’s a three hour challenge but we do give candidates some warm-up time).

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tylersmayhem9:14 pm 04 Sep 08

Who the hell knows?…Come if you want to come, stay home otherwise.

Gee, whats with touchy JB these days? Sounding a bit teenage brattish a few times the last few days!

:O <- Slightly concerned smiley insterts for B.J. …I mean JB.

Gungahlin Al2:02 pm 04 Sep 08

Re Jacqui’s video clip – very slimming putting a widescreen shot in a 4:3 box. Have to get Jonathon to do that next time he’s filming me at our meetings…
๐Ÿ™‚ <–smiley inserted for JB.

I would say somewhere between one and… oh, a thousand?

thanks thumper. I have managed to get another leave pass. I will be there after work.

Who the hell knows?

Come if you want to come, stay home otherwise.

re the sim challenge, how many will be there?

LlamaFrog said :

Hello one on the left

Ahem, be careful what you ask for JB, “or you will surely get it”!

Hello one on the left

If we could stay just remotely on-topic it will be much appreciated.

peterh said :

hey, you mentioned the oval window, not me….

Yeah, I just wasn’t familiar with the Rodney Rude take on the Leylands and the oval window. Kevin Bl00dy Wilson and Telstra, yep. Rodney Rude and many things, tick. But not the bear and chair.

Overheard said :

You speak of things I know not, my liege.

I know the Redgum version:

“Travelled around the country-side
Ask the Leyland Brothers
Stuffed it up in a four-wheel drive
Ask the Leyland Brothers”

Oh, reminds me that John Schumann’s signing his new album at Tuggeranong Hyperdome on Saturday. Another post to knock out tonight.

Back OT. Tips hat to Aurelius for the pink skirt gag above. Tres bon.

hey, you mentioned the oval window, not me….

Julius Constantius4:34 pm 03 Sep 08

Aurelius said :

Julius, I pretty sure the one in the pink skirt is underage.

No Marcus I was talking about the one the left, or is this miss a lesbian? Well then what is the dude doing in the picture? Is he the sperm donor?
I didnโ€™t read the article so Iโ€™m doing my best from pictorial evidence.

You speak of things I know not, my liege.

I know the Redgum version:

“Travelled around the country-side
Ask the Leyland Brothers
Stuffed it up in a four-wheel drive
Ask the Leyland Brothers”

Oh, reminds me that John Schumann’s signing his new album at Tuggeranong Hyperdome on Saturday. Another post to knock out tonight.

Back OT. Tips hat to Aurelius for the pink skirt gag above. Tres bon.

Overheard said :

peterh said :

what happened to – “there’s a bear in there, and a chair as well, and the leyland brothers”?

Nup, you lost me there, peter. Please exploin? When did Mike and Mal go through the oval window?!

when didn’t they?

ask rodney rude.

The Aristocrats

The photo is missing a dog, and a selection of toys.

peterh said :

what happened to – “there’s a bear in there, and a chair as well, and the leyland brothers”?

Nup, you lost me there, peter. Please exploin? When did Mike and Mal go through the oval window?!

Overheard said :

Actually, on topic-ish, while I won’t make some facile comment about the photo (though one does spring to mind), I’m a little underwhelmed by the language on Jacqui’s ‘Welcome’ page. I wasn’t expecting a university thesis, but it just smacks of what I’d expect my kids wrote for their primary school captains’ nominations.

“I can see a better Canberra.”
“I have seen many changes in Canberra.”
“Much hard work is needed, and Iโ€™m ready and able to get the job done.”
“There’s a bear in there. And a chair as well.”

Still would have liked to see how she goes, but I’ll be piloting the airwaves. Well, bouncing along in a Dash-8.

what happened to – “there’s a bear in there, and a chair as well, and the leyland brothers”?

tylersmayhem2:38 pm 03 Sep 08

Sadly itโ€™s a common afflication in all candidates.

Now even JB is in on the act – I knew you had it in you JB!

This has to be the most entertaining thread in ages. Overheard, Julius and Aurelius have had me in stitches for the last few minutes. Thanks for your contributions – gold!

Sadly it’s a common afflication in all candidates.

Wait for our website roundup.

Skidbladnir said :

Don’t blame caf, the point of that punchline is that you do all the hard work yourself making the joke.

Aha, I’d taken it a bit too literally. I thought it was a family performing act thing!

Actually, on topic-ish, while I won’t make some facile comment about the photo (though one does spring to mind), I’m a little underwhelmed by the language on Jacqui’s ‘Welcome’ page. I wasn’t expecting a university thesis, but it just smacks of what I’d expect my kids wrote for their primary school captains’ nominations.

“I can see a better Canberra.”
“I have seen many changes in Canberra.”
“Much hard work is needed, and Iโ€™m ready and able to get the job done.”
“There’s a bear in there. And a chair as well.”

Still would have liked to see how she goes, but I’ll be piloting the airwaves. Well, bouncing along in a Dash-8.

Don’t blame caf, the point of that punchline is that you do all the hard work yourself making the joke.

Julius, I pretty sure the one in the pink skirt is underage.

caf said :

What do you call an act like that?

The Aristocrats.

So, so, so, so, so wrong!! (Even worse than JC’s comment!)

You’ve put very disturbing images into my head, caf!

Julius Constantius1:54 pm 03 Sep 08

Wow her daughter seems hot! Unless she is underage then I retract my comment.

What do you call an act like that?

The Aristocrats.

tylersmayhem1:09 pm 03 Sep 08

Thereโ€™s a more appropriate photo of Verwey back in the original for you now, tyler. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ha, that’s a brilliant new one of his Honorable Verwey. Now, hopefully JB can arrange for one of Adam posed in a cheesy portrait with his family, and then we’ll really be on to a winner.

tylersmayhem1:05 pm 03 Sep 08

Of course I would Jake! It would be impossible not to, even if JB does keep up with the personal, and considering his role in RA, unprofessional comments.

๐Ÿ™‚ To clear the air, I’m so sorry JB to have hurt your feelings. I am not sensitive enough at times, and for this I am truly sorry! ๐Ÿ™‚ Apologies for my not so eloquent writing style. My next post will be titled “can anyone recommend a good writing course”. I mean, I do openly pride myself on the quality of my writing. Ouch that hurts JB.

Yours faithfully, Tylers ๐Ÿ™‚

There’s a more appropriate photo of Verwey back in the original for you now, tyler. ๐Ÿ™‚
(Thanks Jb)

Tyler it will take a better writer than you to attack a person’s integrity in a “light hearted” manner.

You might want to consider using smileyfaces.

The real question is whether Tylersmayhem will still love JB after the glassing incident.

tylersmayhem11:58 am 03 Sep 08

I know, I’m just being facetious (imagine that). ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hehe…I think you’d be pretty safe from being glassed by JB tylersmayhem.

tylersmayhem11:50 am 03 Sep 08

Thanks for the update JB. I’m not sure I’ll risk fronting up to you face-to-face to discuss on Thursday. Based on your reaction to my comment of this and previous posts, I think I run the risk of being “glassed”.

tylersmayhem11:46 am 03 Sep 08

I think you should calm down JB, and allow my opinions on this site without getting so emotionally offended and involved in your posts. This is not the first time you have gotten so bent out of shape about one of my posted opinions, and I think it is inappropriate of you to do so as an RA “overlord”.

I did not realise the photo had been hotlinked, and I merely suggested putting a note on the post to mention that the photo has been changed for reason recently outlined by Skid.

If it’s the light hearted “sell-out” comment you’re so upset about, I think you need to harden up a little as someone who is at the helm of this site, for your credibility’s sake. My understanding of your creative and rather random “Ed” comment, would indicate a rather interesting personal stab at me, which is fine and I’ll take it lightheartedly – and I’m not even in any position of responsibility of this site.

I have now added a note to the blazer story explaining the changed image. Thanks for pointing that out, even in the form of an insane conspiracy accusation.

All candidates should have decent sized publicity photos on their websites, but very few do. In this case as I’ve linked to her site you can go and gaze on any that you personally prefer.

I chose the one I liked. Come along on Thursday and explain to me at any length you desire as to why other photos on her website were more meritorious, by all means.

Jesus you can’t win with some people. Jacqui gets in trouble for having photos that are too ‘politiciany’ and Adam gets in trouble for having a photo that takes the piss out of politicians.

Having just realised it was hotlinked, I withdraw my revisioning history of comment being directed at Jb, and instead direct it Adam Verwey, calling a blight upon him and his line until the seventh generation.

I too dislike the retconning of the Adam Verwey photo -after- people started commenting on it. Now it looks like we’re all out of touch with reality and attacking a guy for wearing a t-shirt.
Also, his comment in the later video posting then makes no sense at all.

Revisioning of history is doubleplus ungood, Jb.

And you liked the at a distance, barely able to make out detail, family photo rather than the individual publicity photo of her in the top left?

Because I reckon you’re more Ed Norton than Brad Pitt, Tyler.

Let me get this straight. You’re abusing the candidate because you disagree with my photo selection? Highly rational. The value of your opinions is really rising.

And then, utterly unrelated, our hotlinking to a photo of Adam Verwey, which he has sinced changed the source image to (and this is the first I’ve heard of it) is proof of conspiracy and sell-out?

Oh yes Ed, the Verwey Millions have quite turned my head.

Get a grip.

tylersmayhem11:05 am 03 Sep 08

Where does the term “Ed” come from?

I’m not taking a cheap shot at the portrait per-se, or of the appearance of anyone in the photo. It’s the cheesy use of them for political reasons that makes me gag.

As for the photo of Adam Verwey, I think it spoke for itself considering RA has already changed the photo to something more realistic. Perhaps that should be explained on the post so new readers understand why such comments were made. It seems young Adam already has political clout to get his original photo on The ACT censored. Or is that just JB selling out?

Take a pill Ed, it’s just the one *I* liked the most on her website.

Want to show us all your photo album before taking these cheapest of shots at others?

tylersmayhem9:51 am 03 Sep 08

Whats with the friggin’ family portrait? First we have a gumby in a suit 8 sizes too big with a god awful polo shirt underneath – now a cheesy family shot? Whats with these politicians! Sorry…not getting my vote!

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