The southern section of Athllon Drive between Drakeford and Sulwood drives will be two lanes in each direction. Photo: Google Maps.
The ACT Government has announced progress on two significant road upgrades for Tuggeranong, months out from the election.
Sulwood Drive, which links Drakeford and Athllon drives, has already been off limits for a week as construction crews work on what’s expected to be a three-month project.
The two-lane road includes several intersections with suburban streets in Kambah, as well as access to the main carpark for the popular Mount Taylor hike.
New raised pedestrian crossings were installed at the entrances to Inkster Street and Livingston Avenue – along with new street lighting – in the middle of last year.
The next package of work is separated into two stages.
Traffic lights and turn lanes will be installed at the Mannheim Street intersection directly opposite the Mount Taylor carpark, and the tarmac 500 metres on each side will be “rehabilitated”.
A new shared path, four kilometres long and three metres wide, will then be built along the southern side of Sulwood Drive.
“There are currently no off-road nor formal on-road active travel facilities on this section of Sulwood Drive, a key missing link in our cycling and walking network,” Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) Minister Tara Cheyne said.
In 2018, the ACT Government converted part of the verge along Sulwood Drive to create a more formal carpark for Mount Taylor, replacing the rutted dirt surface with graded recycled asphalt and creating defined entry and exit points “for safer access and egress for parking”.

The upgrades are said to provide better pedestrian access to Mount Taylor. Image: ACT Government.
Three years later, in 2021, then TCCS Minister Chris Steel announced upgrades to Sulwood Drive itself, which would further “improve active travel facilities and provide safer parking access for Canberrans who use the Mount Taylor nature reserve”.
The government said feasibility studies had “ruled out” a four-way roundabout for the Mannheim Street intersection, as it would cut into the carpark and not support safe pedestrian crossings of the 80 km/h road.
“There are currently no safe spots to cross Sulwood Drive for pedestrians and cyclists wanting to access Mount Taylor for exercise and recreation,” Mr Steel said at the time.
“A traffic light intersection is the safest solution for pedestrians and cyclists … and would provide safer right-turning movements out of Mannheim Street for vehicles.”
In response to a question about when the rest of the road surface along Sulwood Drive will be repaired, Ms Cheyne told Region the road had been “identified as a high-priority road” as part of the government’s “regular program of road rehabilitation work”.
Pavement analysis showed the section around Mannheim Street was in “particular need” due to water runoff from the Mount Taylor carpark.
The road is scheduled to reopen by Monday, 13 August, weather permitting.
“We acknowledge this road closure will be disruptive for the local community,” Ms Cheyne said.
“A full road closure for 13 weeks avoids extended partial closures, which would create even longer disruption … We will be monitoring traffic impacts during the closure and will make changes to measures such as signal timing if required.”

Detours are in place during the Sulwood Drive closure. Photo: ACT Government.
Eight years after it was initially promised in the lead-up to the 2016 election – and again in 2020 – Athllon Drive is also back on the list.
The government has revealed preliminary designs to duplicate the southern section of Athllon Drive between Drakeford and Sulwood drives, making it two lanes in each direction.
Traffic lights will be added to the Langdon Avenue/Atkins Street, Vosper Street and Fincham Crescent intersections, and part-time traffic lights at the Sulwood Drive roundabout are also “proposed”.
Bus stops along Athllon Drive will also be upgraded, and new ones added, and the C4 cycle route improved with a new underpass beneath Sulwood Drive.
A detailed design is also underway to duplicate the northern section between Hindmarsh and Melrose drives in Woden, with preliminary designs to come.
Ms Cheyne told Region the project “remains on track” and “construction timing will be confirmed … following the completion of a detailed design”.
The government is holding information sessions for the community to “view and discuss” the designs ahead of planning and environmental approval.
The first session will be held on Monday, 20 May, from 4 pm to 5:30 pm at the Tuggeranong Library, and the second on Saturday, 25 May, from 10 am to 12 pm at Wanniassa Shops.
For more information, visit the ACT City Services website.