The comrade has brought in Purdon Associates to “consult” with the community on what to do with the existing school sites once they close. The word on the street is they have to submit the report by next week so the one and only chance to put your say in is happening now before the gubmint decides what to do with them.
Apparently there is a stage two consult where they tell us what they are doing and let us bash our heads against the wall trying to oppose the bad decision.
Many pages on Purdon’s website are down – coincidence maybe?
List of meetings.
Location – Uniting Church Hall
Cnr Sternberg Cres and Comrie St, Wanniassa
24th September 2007
Start: 5:45pm for 6:00 pm
Finish: 9:00 pm
Location – Marathon Room, Australian Institute of Sport
(Entry via Visitors’ Centre)
Leverrier Cres, Bruce
25th September 2007
Start: 5:45pm for 6:00 pm
Finish: 9:00 pm
Woden/Weston Creek
Location – Olympus Room, Helenic Club
Matilda St, Phillip
27th September 2007
Start: 5:45pm for 6:00 pm
Finish: 9:00 pm