The ABC has a curious story in which Terry Snow asks if Simon Corbell’s got a plan or if he’s just hiving off slabs of land in Civic to developers as the mood takes him?
RiotACT is still waiting for the answers Simon’s office promised to our reader’s questions. So it’s no surprise that, instead of answering the question, Simon goes off on rant about how Terry Snow is his enemy:
“Terry Snow is currently in a fiercely fought battle with elements of the ACT Government, our planning authority and our land development agency over the release of the epicentre site at Fyshwick.
“He sought to take the ACT Government to court over that issue and failed, he’s referred the issue to the ACT auditor-general, he’s continuously writing letters to me and his company writing legal letters to me over the issue.”
Very good Simon, and the answer is?
UPDATED: 11 minutes after I posted this story Mr. Corbell responded in the comments below:
I did reply to Mr Snows false allegations, on 666 radio this morning. The ACT Government has an agreed development plan for the City Hill Precinct, which is the result of the Canberra Central Taskforce reccomendations. This development plan, which retains City Hill as a park, is agreed with the National Capital Authority, and will be implemented through an amendment to the National Capital Plan by the NCA.