15 August 2012

Simon lists what we're missing in Zed's shutdown

| johnboy
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Simon Corbell is letting you all know about his legislation stalled by Zed Seselja’s doomed no confidence motion in Chief Minister Gallagher:

Important legislation was delayed in the Legislative Assembly yesterday, because of Liberal party time wasting, including laws to progress same-sex civil unions, a new framework to allow the introduction of an R18+ classification for computer games, and key whistleblower protections, Manager of Government Business, Simon Corbell, said today.

“With only two sitting weeks left the Liberals continue to adopt Tony Abbott’s negative approach to politics instead of debating important policy matters which affect the day-to-day lives of Canberrans,” Mr Corbell said.

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ToastFliesRED4:42 pm 17 Aug 12

I want my R18+ games but what the hell I’ve been waiting long enough as it is and watching these muppets play stupid political games makes no long term difference, they’re all as bad as each other IMHO whether red, blue, green, jolly roger, indie or whatever. Remember, no matter who you vote for a politician always gets in.

colourful sydney racing identity3:36 pm 17 Aug 12

Sorry CSRI, I respect your opinions and would happily sit down and drink some beers with you, but on this score, I reckon the ACT government needs to be taken to task. We are are talking major fraud that is being glossed over by a completely self serving greens.

likewise, I suspect we would differ significantly on a number of political issues, but I respect your views and opinions.

I don’t disagree that this matter may need further examination, what I disagree with is shutting down the ACT parliament for a week to move a motion that cannot succeed.

I think a more sensible approach would be to attempt to censure the Chief Minister – it would not pass either, but it would still give the opposition a platfrom to mount their case without shutting down the Assembly.

Elizabethany said :

Considering that some of these have been held off multiple times by the current government, I don’t think they are that cut about them being delayed again. The whistleblower act has been held off by this govenment since 2004. Obviously not a high priority.

I’m starting to suspect they don’t want the whistleblower legislation enacted.

Elizabethany8:03 pm 15 Aug 12

Considering that some of these have been held off multiple times by the current government, I don’t think they are that cut about them being delayed again. The whistleblower act has been held off by this govenment since 2004. Obviously not a high priority.

If it keeps this clown from introducing his offensive anti-free-speech legislation then bring it on.

Speaking of definitions, Mr Corbell should learn the difference between ‘alternate’ and ‘alternative’.

CrocodileGandhi4:40 pm 15 Aug 12

Mr Gillespie said :

Truthiness #5, the part that bothers me is the fact that marriage, by definition, is a union between a man and a woman.

And the definition of a voting citizen in many countries around the world for a very long time was “a white male”. Yet we somehow found it in our hearts to change that definition.

VYBerlinaV8_is_back4:25 pm 15 Aug 12

chewy14 said :

VYBerlinaV8_is_back said :

Truthiness said :

a civil union isn’t a marriage, it is a legal recognition of a relationship. Straight people can still have marriages, they are unaffected. The only people who are effected by this are same sex couples who gain legal recognition. Straight couples lose nothing, the sanctity of marriage is preserved and there is a legal alternative for those who need it.

All of this without even mentioning the false dichotomy of limiting human sexuality to two sexes. Humans are inherently physiologically diverse and encompass a spectrum of sexual characteristics. Indeed “male” and “female” are largely sociological constructs which ignore the physical complexities of sexuality.

We already have same sex civil unions, don’t we?

Yep, but not with those all important ceremonies where the government says that your “love” is recognised.

Seriously, I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, why is the government involved in people’s “love” at all?
The legal issues don’t require the government to recognise love, so why is anybody hetero or homo getting civil-married?

It should be civil unions for all.

What you say makes a lot of sense.

Civil unions for all, those who want a ceremony to go with it (religious or other) go for it. Problem solved.

johnboy said :

I think it’s clear now that the Greens stand for advancing their agenda via a Labor party reliant on their vote.

One has to wonder what they’re getting for holding their noses this time.

Ah yes the joys of minority government. Imagine how much nose holding must go on at the Federal level between the Liberals and their agrarian socialist mates the Nationals.

colourful sydney racing identity3:59 pm 15 Aug 12

Mysteryman said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Yes, shutting down the Assembly for a week, so you can move a motion that is guaranteed to fail, is a sensible course of action.


And why is it guaranteed to fail? Because the local Greens have no principles and no integrity. They are the clowns.

Do you ever get tired of being an all-weather advocate for the Liberals?

Shutting down the assembly for a week, so you can engage in an exercise of futility is irresponsible in the extreme.

I don’t think you’re in a position to be crying “irresponsible!” – you seem to think that shutting down the LA for a week is far more serious than large scale fraud. Let me help you with this:

Presiding over large scale fraud is irresponsible.

Supporting someone who presides over large scale fraud is irresponsible.

Calling attention to it and making an attempt to do something about it? Not irresponsible.

I know it hurts that your precious Labor/Greens government screwed up royally, but your comment makes you look like a bigger Labor stooge than I previously thought possible.

Shutting down the assembly in a futile attempt to move a motion of no confidence is irresponsible.

We are not far from an election, the perfect opportunity to campaign against the Chief Minister and her government.

I must say I am a little surprised that you view me as a Labor/Greens stooge, I have started threads on this site criticising labor members and candidates and have referred to the Chief Minister as a wholly owned subsidary of the CFMEU – how many liberal members or candidates have you criticised on this site?

I have also posted my distaste for a number of greens policies on this site as well.

So, how about you take of the Canberra Liberals scarf and beanie for a while?

johnboy said :

I think it’s clear now that the Greens stand for advancing their agenda via a Labor party reliant on their vote.

One has to wonder what they’re getting for holding their noses this time.


colourful sydney racing identity3:53 pm 15 Aug 12

colourful sydney racing identity said :

johnboy said :

Stanhope in opposition moved a great many No confidences, with resulting shutdowns, before he finally got one up.

I only recall one – which was not doomed to failure as Rugendyke came into the assemnbly with two speeches, one in favour one against and decided at the last minute.

There may have been others, however, I thought he opted to censure rather than move no confidence.

MR RUGENDYKE (8.28): Mr Speaker, like every issue discussed in this Assembly, my sole aim is to do what I believe is right and what I believe is fair. I must say that I have wrestled with this decision over the past week. Even when we went to the dinner break earlier this evening, I was still grappling with it and what I have been hearing during the day. In fact, I had two speeches written and I had not decided which one I was going to deliver. My heart was saying, “Kick her out”, and my head was asking, “Are the matters raised at this point in time sufficient to justify a genuine lack of
confidence in the Chief Minister?”.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Yes, shutting down the Assembly for a week, so you can move a motion that is guaranteed to fail, is a sensible course of action.


And why is it guaranteed to fail? Because the local Greens have no principles and no integrity. They are the clowns.

Do you ever get tired of being an all-weather advocate for the Liberals?

Shutting down the assembly for a week, so you can engage in an exercise of futility is irresponsible in the extreme.

I don’t think you’re in a position to be crying “irresponsible!” – you seem to think that shutting down the LA for a week is far more serious than large scale fraud. Let me help you with this:

Presiding over large scale fraud is irresponsible.

Supporting someone who presides over large scale fraud is irresponsible.

Calling attention to it and making an attempt to do something about it? Not irresponsible.

I know it hurts that your precious Labor/Greens government screwed up royally, but your comment makes you look like a bigger Labor stooge than I previously thought possible.

colourful sydney racing identity3:29 pm 15 Aug 12

Between 1999 and 2000, Labor leader Jon Stanhope gave notice of three motions of no confidence in Liberal chief minister Kate Carnell.

One was watered down into a censure motion (or symbolic slap-on-the-wrist).

Another failed to win majority support.

The third was removed from the notice paper after Ms Carnell resigned before she could be voted out of office by the Assembly.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberras-history-of-no-confidence-20120813-2457z.html#ixzz23adGsm1f

johnboy said :

Stanhope in opposition moved a great many No confidences, with resulting shutdowns, before he finally got one up.

It would do The Greens no harm to support this one. Make them look like they stand for something.

I think it’s clear now that the Greens stand for advancing their agenda via a Labor party reliant on their vote.

One has to wonder what they’re getting for holding their noses this time.

colourful sydney racing identity3:28 pm 15 Aug 12

johnboy said :

Stanhope in opposition moved a great many No confidences, with resulting shutdowns, before he finally got one up.

I only recall one – which was not doomed to failure as Rugendyke came into the assemnbly with two speeches, one in favour one against and decided at the last minute.

There may have been others, however, I thought he opted to censure rather than move no confidence.

colourful sydney racing identity3:21 pm 15 Aug 12

Mysteryman said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Yes, shutting down the Assembly for a week, so you can move a motion that is guaranteed to fail, is a sensible course of action.


And why is it guaranteed to fail? Because the local Greens have no principles and no integrity. They are the clowns.

Do you ever get tired of being an all-weather advocate for the Liberals?

Shutting down the assembly for a week, so you can engage in an exercise of futility is irresponsible in the extreme.

Stanhope in opposition moved a great many No confidences, with resulting shutdowns, before he finally got one up.

VYBerlinaV8_is_back said :

Truthiness said :

a civil union isn’t a marriage, it is a legal recognition of a relationship. Straight people can still have marriages, they are unaffected. The only people who are effected by this are same sex couples who gain legal recognition. Straight couples lose nothing, the sanctity of marriage is preserved and there is a legal alternative for those who need it.

All of this without even mentioning the false dichotomy of limiting human sexuality to two sexes. Humans are inherently physiologically diverse and encompass a spectrum of sexual characteristics. Indeed “male” and “female” are largely sociological constructs which ignore the physical complexities of sexuality.

We already have same sex civil unions, don’t we?

Yep, but not with those all important ceremonies where the government says that your “love” is recognised.

Seriously, I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, why is the government involved in people’s “love” at all?
The legal issues don’t require the government to recognise love, so why is anybody hetero or homo getting civil-married?

It should be civil unions for all.

VYBerlinaV8_is_back3:05 pm 15 Aug 12

Truthiness said :

a civil union isn’t a marriage, it is a legal recognition of a relationship. Straight people can still have marriages, they are unaffected. The only people who are effected by this are same sex couples who gain legal recognition. Straight couples lose nothing, the sanctity of marriage is preserved and there is a legal alternative for those who need it.

All of this without even mentioning the false dichotomy of limiting human sexuality to two sexes. Humans are inherently physiologically diverse and encompass a spectrum of sexual characteristics. Indeed “male” and “female” are largely sociological constructs which ignore the physical complexities of sexuality.

We already have same sex civil unions, don’t we?

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Yes, shutting down the Assembly for a week, so you can move a motion that is guaranteed to fail, is a sensible course of action.


And why is it guaranteed to fail? Because the local Greens have no principles and no integrity. They are the clowns.

colourful sydney racing identity2:51 pm 15 Aug 12

Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Yes, shutting down the Assembly for a week, so you can move a motion that is guaranteed to fail, is a sensible course of action.


Mysteryman said :

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.


Lets brush this under the carpet shall we Simon?? Let pretend its all the oppositions fault for not allowing you to continue on your merry way ignore the elephant in the room?

a civil union isn’t a marriage, it is a legal recognition of a relationship. Straight people can still have marriages, they are unaffected. The only people who are effected by this are same sex couples who gain legal recognition. Straight couples lose nothing, the sanctity of marriage is preserved and there is a legal alternative for those who need it.

All of this without even mentioning the false dichotomy of limiting human sexuality to two sexes. Humans are inherently physiologically diverse and encompass a spectrum of sexual characteristics. Indeed “male” and “female” are largely sociological constructs which ignore the physical complexities of sexuality.

Mr Gillespie said :

Sorry Mr Corbell, but I’m not in favour of your “same-sex civil unions”.

You surprise us, Mr. G.

Important legislation

I really don’t think having R18 classified games is anywhere near as important an issue as having a Chief Minister who presided over large scale fraud.

Mr Gillespie2:19 pm 15 Aug 12

Truthiness #5, the part that bothers me is the fact that marriage, by definition, is a union between a man and a woman.

Ahh, so Mr Gillespie’s understanding of semiotic value is the unwritten law of the land?

Legal definitions are changed all the time. It’s not hard.

what part of same sex civil unions do you have a problem with? is it the civil union or the same sex which bothers you? How do either of those things effect you in the slightest?

Mr Gillespie1:38 pm 15 Aug 12

Sorry Mr Corbell, but I’m not in favour of your “same-sex civil unions”. Waste of assembly time, and good on Zed for freezing that out for the time being at least anyway.

people in prison shoot up regardless, the least we can do is stop them spreading disease at the same time. I do agree saying sorry was a waste of time, we should be paying reparations, not paying lip service. If someone kicked me out of my house and made me live in the backyard, I’d want more than a sorry.

Comparing wasting time inquiring into the CM’s knowledge of a fraud or wasting time saying sorry for something that happened when the government did not exist or helping people in prison shoot up, I know that one side is definitely wasting time, and it’s not the opposition.

as keen as I am to see those laws passed, I am keener to hear Simon’s thoughts on the fraud issue. This press release reeks of ignoring the issue at hand, he’s not doing a great job of convincing us the greens aren’t just another bunch of slimy politicians. Wasting the assembly’s time is certainly bad, but ignoring fraud is worse.

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