Buried deep in yesterday’s print Canberra Times was a strange little story in which Simon Corbell said he was satisfied (“comfortable” even) with health and safety in Canberra’s brothels, despite no inspections being conducted in the last four years.
Even four years ago those were not surprise inspections, the only sort which matter.
How Simon can be so sure the industry has been sticking to standards in the long years since the last official inspection I leave as an exercise for the reader’s imagination. (please, let’s not see it in the comments, thank you)
Bear in mind this was brought on by the death in September of Janine Cameron. She was 17 and died in a brothel of a drug overdose. Suggesting some major systemic failures in our regulated sex industry. Simon Corbell, however, trusts his four year old inspections implicitly.
Today in the Canberra Times the Greens and Vicki Dunne are up in arms over this failure.
Looks like the Assembly will be flexing its new muscles and having a poke around the sex industry.