I’m willing to bet a lot of money that Schapelle Corby is innocent.
Celebrity wannabe inmates notwithstanding, the possibility of someone choosing her as their unwitting mule is high. For example, Sydney airport has a fraud and conspiracies enforcement section. Officially, they are auditors for local security. Unofficially, they consume their time watching the baggage handlers, trying to catch the thieving criminal assholes red handed. Not that a camels head showed up on the radar. I especially love the Union reps comment to install more cameras. I suggest you install a V-chip to prevent your members blanking the lens with permanent markers as they have done in the past, ye goof.
Ever locked up your luggage and sighed contentment at avoiding the possibility of getting a strychnine drip in a Bangkok toilet with officials looking on? Did that bag have a zip? Oh dear, one well placed strike with a innocuous disposable ball point pen and your bag just made you a bitch. Ever traveled with a laptop in baggage? Did it make it to it’s destination? I guess you got lucky, handlers have a radar for gadgets in luggage, the weight tips them off you see.
What has this got to do with Canberra? The AFP of course. Everyone says they need to get off their asses and provide more actual policing work that doesn’t involve hearsay. Just fingerprint the bag and the suspect shall be revealed. Dude, baggage handlers wear gloves. For all that handling, don’t you know?
Schapelle, can I call you Schappas? Schappas, I feel for you girl. But you’re f*cked. They’ve had it in for happy goofs like you since Roman times.
The only thing that will save you now Schappas is a full scale invasion, but it’s sooooo 2002.
Maybe we should send in the Davey Navy.