Plenty of people are commenting on how RA has changed.
It certainly has since I first starting lurking and infrequently posting (in 2003ish ?) – largely due to the fact that the number of readers/contributors has simply exploded.
A lot of the feedback has been that RA is turning into a whingefest, and that a lot of frivolous articles are being published. I’d agree with that somewhat, and also go to say that there is a lot more unnecessarily harsh posting than there used to be as a result.
The brief we get at the top of the site for every page view is “News, Information & Opinion”. The admins still approve posts before they hit the site, so that being the case, should we not accept that these are the articles that they want on their site and if we don’t like them just go elsewhere?
Or, do the admins need to be more selective with what they let through? Should the “opinion” part of the News, Information & Opinion brief be a little more controlled?
My take is that RA was better (in that it was more informative and a little less hostile) when the bulk of the articles were legitimate news and information, and the opinion part of it came in the comments on those articles.
I’m particularly interested in the opinion of the admins on this one…