After my previous success with the RiotAct recommendation machine, I’m looking for a few more tips.
I’ve been searching for a post-work basketball location, just to shoot around rather than play anything formal. Being usually dark post work, I’m looking for something indoors. The City YMCA used to be lovely for precisely this purpose, but now it’s a big AusAID office building and it’s rude to play basketball there.
My research so far (some details might be a bit dated):
- Erindale Leisure Center – $32/hr for half court
- Belconnen Community Center – $20/hr for half court (but rather fully booked)
- AIS – $37/hr for full court
A few dead-ends:
- Belco stadium in Oatley court was booked nights for regular games;
- ANU was first come/first served basis;
Any more suggestions? Is there anyone else who wants to have a shoot-around?