19 December 2011

Stalking - the hula hoop of the 2010 decade?

| troll-sniffer
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I’m like following the two like totally Gen Y young women near the Canberra Centre and like I wasn’t like listening but they were like talking pretty loud so I overheard, and like one says to the other: “I can’t believe it. She’s stalking him. They like split up 18 months ago and she’s still like stalking him. She rang him up the other day and like asked him if he wanted to meet for a coffee. Can you believe that?”

“Yeah, that’s like so totally wrong. Like you guys have been going out for 18 months and she’s still like stalking him. He oughta take out an AVO on the cow.”

Hey Gen Y bimbos… here’s a tip. A phone call, or even keeping in contact with, or even trying to stay in contact with someone, does not constitute ‘stalking’.

It’s almost as though being stalked is the new cool, that it somehow confers on the stalkee an air of mystery or desire, that unless you’re being stalked or have been stalked, you’re like such a loser.

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GordonResidential10:31 pm 25 Dec 11

johnboy said :

EvanJames said :

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

Ahh, the same old chestnut as found on the walls of the pyramids.


Disinformation9:12 am 22 Dec 11

chewy14 said :

Wow, do people actually believe that crap?

There’s a society for people who believe that the Earth is flat, too.
However, it does sound like you might already be a charter member.

Stevian : A negatively charged ion brain.

devils_advocate said :

Angelina said :

Obviously you expect some positive recognition for having the awesomness to learn basic home repair skills. That’s a very common negative Gen Y trait.

The sad thing is, these kinds of things really impress vacuous young girls. Things like performing basic car maintenance, living outside the parental home on an independent basis (like, OMG if you own your own home, or more than 1!), doing basic home renovations, having a passing knowledge of current political issues, and speaking with proper grammar and writing in sentences rather than SMS speak – this separates you from many 20 somethings.

This is true, Im Gen Y, my boyfriend is Gen X, when he fixes our leaky shower, or talks about the horrfic state of Australian politics, I get all hot for him.
Oh, and when an SMS comes, and he uses proper englishk, boy oh boy! *swoon*

00davist said :

If i listed that I could breath, would you assume I’m looking for praise?


pink little birdie said :

My friends complained when I was using the word stalking to describe meeting my boyfriend after his training. Trouble was he’d tell me a finishing time and training didn’t finish on time so I’d be sitting in the carpark waiting.

Now a certain friend doesn’t like it when we use the word ‘stalking’ so now we use ‘surprise visit’ or ‘planned meeting’ (planned meeting used when it involves waiting for him to finish training).
I and my boyfriend like the word stalking more.

Fair enough, but it might be even better if you learn what words actually mean and use them appropriately.

devils_advocate12:06 pm 20 Dec 11

alaninoz said :

Wrong. I iron my view of reality every day.

So rather than having ridges, it’s ironic?

fgzk said :

It’s the baby boomers who cant see the fun. They have all that “house” money to spend on frivolous RA subscriptions, so as to enforce their ridged view of realty.

Wrong. I iron my view of reality every day.

00davist said :

fgzk said :

“-keep my hose clean”
OOdavist the uncircumcised generation.

Yeah, see my comment RE: angel busking.

Man, i really do need to work on that one!

Embrace dualism, accidental or not. It’s the baby boomers who cant see the fun. They have all that “house” money to spend on frivolous RA subscriptions, so as to enforce their ridged view of realty.

devils_advocate10:50 am 20 Dec 11

Angelina said :

Obviously you expect some positive recognition for having the awesomness to learn basic home repair skills. That’s a very common negative Gen Y trait.

The sad thing is, these kinds of things really impress vacuous young girls. Things like performing basic car maintenance, living outside the parental home on an independent basis (like, OMG if you own your own home, or more than 1!), doing basic home renovations, having a passing knowledge of current political issues, and speaking with proper grammar and writing in sentences rather than SMS speak – this separates you from many 20 somethings.

But, I’m not complaining. It makes a 30-something male appear witty, sophisticated, worldly and urbane to a much younger female demographic that apparently can’t find these qualities in many of their contemporaries. Good for us, I say.

fgzk said :

“-keep my hose clean”
OOdavist the uncircumcised generation.

Yeah, see my comment RE: angel busking.

Man, i really do need to work on that one!

…yep, some of them there young ‘uns are actually pretty responsible, but they can’t spell for s***…

Angelina said :

See, 00davist, you coming on here to tell everyone how you can change a washer and list your other accomplishments smacks of the self-congratulatory, gratification-seeking arrogance that Gen Y is regularly bagged out for. You say it’s a list of no importance to you , but if that’s the case then why do you need to come on here and tell people? Can’t you just read these comments and smile, knowing that you’re an exception to the Gen Y rule?

Obviously you expect some positive recognition for having the awesomness to learn basic home repair skills. That’s a very common negative Gen Y trait.

Trust me, if i wanted to be congratulated, I’d list it a hell of allot more, it’s rare for me to ‘gloat’ like this for the very reason you have mentioned, my point is more to list what so many can’t do, i don’t expect positive recognition, I DO hope some others from my generation will read it, and perhaps google a few things in the hope of learning it themselves.

If i listed that I could breath, would you assume I’m looking for praise?

It’s basic stuff, it’s easy stuff, and it’s nothing to be proud of!

I personally see no trait as negative as your vile cynicism

Disinformation said :

Ah, the wonders of modern culture and unspoken messages..

Wow, do people actually believe that crap?

Although, I suppose it does give you one more thing to blame instead of taking personal responsibility for your own decisions and actions.
Surely it’s the government’s fault somehow????

Excuse me, I’ve got to go and pop a cap in someone’s ass, cause the TV told me to.

“-keep my hose clean”
OOdavist the uncircumcised generation.

chewy14 said :

00davist said :

I’m Gen Y, however;
-I cook rather than get takeaway
-keep my hose clean
-have not got a 3D telly yet as the rear projection set I picked up second hand still works
-if it breaks, i fix it, and do it my self
-I work harp to pave my own way
-Drive a car I chose for it’s safety provisions, rather than it’s engine
-Know how to change a washer, wire an extension lead, fix the mower, use a chainsaw, patch a wall, install a letterbox, and change the breaks on my car.

you sound like a real urban Bear Grylls. Maybe you should start an urban survival course?

Possibly not a bad idea, there has to be a few out there who would Like to be able to do some more for themselves, it certainly help put money into savings, which is always a good thing, not to mention it feels like more of an accomplishment to do it yourself.

poetix said :

00davist said :

-I work harp to pave my own way

Angel busking?

One thing i do need to work on is my patience when typing, and proofreading my work!

colourful sydney racing identity10:18 am 20 Dec 11

poetix said :

00davist said :

-I work harp to pave my own way

Angel busking?

Hey at least he keeps his hose clean. That is the thing that worries me most about kids these days – the ones who walk around with dirty, dirty hoses.

dph said :

Always enjoying reading comments from people old enough to know better, bashing todays youth. Guess who moulded generation Y…

Their parents!

Do I win?

Disinformation10:12 am 20 Dec 11

Consider if you will, the subtle messages that our popular culture has been giving to us over the years. It’s rather subtle and was pointed out to me by various people and productions over the years.
Popular media gives the wrong messages.
If you watch any Disney cartoons, the message for young girls is that that all they have to do is be pretty and someone handsome will turn up to look after them.
If you watch any action movies, the message to young men is that you have to be daring, or beat up or kill people and women will throw themselves at you. (I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t bode well for indications of sensitivity, communication and the associated relationship skills. )
If you watch generic teenage angsty crap, you get the message if you’re female that love will cure everything and that it’s okay to hang out in an abusive relationship. If you’re male, you get the message that all you have to do is persist with chasing that girl you want and she’ll eventually give in.

If we wanted to encourage stalker-like behaviour in people, there’s a nice way of trying to achieve it through installing some core fantasy beliefs.

Oh, I forgot the other observation that was pointed out to me. If you have a female character with a strong personality type in the majority of popular culture, she’ll be most likely depicted as evil or demented.

In 1981 I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark. In 1984, when I saw Temple of Doom, I actually wondered where the girl from the other movie was. But when you’re an action hero, all the girls just throw themselves at you. What a wonderful message to our nations footballers.
Grease told all the young girls that in order to get the guy you want, you have to act like a slut.

Ah, the wonders of modern culture and unspoken messages..

Always enjoying reading comments from people old enough to know better, bashing todays youth. Guess who moulded generation Y…

Is it a jealousy thing? An inability to relate anyone under the age of 30? A bit of both?

See, 00davist, you coming on here to tell everyone how you can change a washer and list your other accomplishments smacks of the self-congratulatory, gratification-seeking arrogance that Gen Y is regularly bagged out for. You say it’s a list of no importance to you , but if that’s the case then why do you need to come on here and tell people? Can’t you just read these comments and smile, knowing that you’re an exception to the Gen Y rule?

Obviously you expect some positive recognition for having the awesomness to learn basic home repair skills. That’s a very common negative Gen Y trait.

00davist said :

-I work harp to pave my own way

Angel busking?

colourful sydney racing identity9:58 am 20 Dec 11

troll-sniffer said

“blah blah blah, kids this days….when i was a young fella…herp derp”

00davist said :

I’m Gen Y, however;
-I cook rather than get takeaway
-keep my hose clean
-have not got a 3D telly yet as the rear projection set I picked up second hand still works
-if it breaks, i fix it, and do it my self
-I work harp to pave my own way
-Drive a car I chose for it’s safetey provisions, rather than it’s engine
-Know how to change a washer, wire an extension lead, fix the mower, use a chainsaw, patch a wall, install a leterbox, and change the breaks on my car.

you sound like a real urban Bear Grylls. Maybe you should start an urban survival course?

Jethro said :

Nice way to pass judgement on an entire generation based on the banal conversation of one particularly unintelligent part of it.

I have quite a number young Gen Y women friends who also think, oddly enough, that the majority of their generation is basically a bunch of lazy, self serving, self entitled narcissists.

Maybe they’re just bitchy 🙂

No mate, there on the money,

I’m Gen Y, however;
-I cook rather than get takeaway
-keep my hose clean
-have not got a 3D telly yet as the rear projection set I picked up second hand still works
-if it breaks, i fix it, and do it my self
-I work harp to pave my own way
-Drive a car I chose for it’s safetey provisions, rather than it’s engine
-Know how to change a washer, wire an extension lead, fix the mower, use a chainsaw, patch a wall, install a leterbox, and change the breaks on my car.

To me, and to anyone else who can look after themselves, this really is a list of no importance, it’s not something to be proud of, just the things in life one should know.

However, it P*sses me off how many people my own age can’t do any of it, and blow every damn cent on things they don’t need, just becase others have blown the same money, on the same cr*p trying to copy even more yuppies!

I heard two old duck baby boomers talking down at the organic, gluten free coffee shop when I was walking past…

“Can you believe it?.. I can’t sell my 7th investment property for twice what I bought it for even though i’ve owned it for 18 months, repainted the main bedroom and had my useless husband install an Ikea kitchen.. the market must be down!”

Generation bashing FTW!

perhaps she’s actually stalking him…

Jethro said :

Nice way to pass judgement on an entire generation based on the banal conversation of one particularly unintelligent part of it.


“I’m like following the two like totally Gen Y young women near the Canberra Centre”

Shopping centres have a tendency to act as a magnet for a certain demographic .

pink little birdie11:08 pm 19 Dec 11

My friends complained when I was using the word stalking to describe meeting my boyfriend after his training. Trouble was he’d tell me a finishing time and training didn’t finish on time so I’d be sitting in the carpark waiting.

Now a certain friend doesn’t like it when we use the word ‘stalking’ so now we use ‘surprise visit’ or ‘planned meeting’ (planned meeting used when it involves waiting for him to finish training).
I and my boyfriend like the word stalking more.

matt31221 said :

kakosi said :

Have you ever noticed how you never get a good looking stalker? They’re always unwashed dirty and mentally ill.

Please don’t flatter yourself darling. I’m sure that bloke was just simply walking the same route you were and lived nearby. If it made you feel special that’s okay though we can pretend.

I am sick of people using ‘mentally ill’ as a put down.

You’d prefer it used as a compliment?

“Thanks for my holding my hair while I vomited, that was so mentally ill! I totes love u!”

I think that could take off among the young gen-ys…

Every since people started misunderstanding this song (or playing it at weddings… D: ) stalking has had a degree of pop culture romance.

And on a local note, every person in the ACT gets a one-off incident of following\watching\stalking\interfering\creeping out each other person , only on the second and subsequent occasions (per person being stalked) is it actually a crime.
Crimes Act 1900, version effective 12 Dec 2011
Section 35 – Stalking
(1) A person must not stalk someone with intent—
(a) to cause apprehension, or fear of harm, in the person stalked or someone else; or
(b) to cause harm to the person stalked or someone else; or
(c) to harass the person stalked.
Maximum penalty:
(a) imprisonment for 5 years if—
(i) the offence involved a contravention of an injunction or other order made by a court; or
(ii) the offender was in possession of an offensive weapon; or
(b) imprisonment for 2 years in any other case.

(2) For this section, a person stalks someone else (the stalked person) if, on at least 2 occasions, the person does 1 or more of the following:
(a) follows or approaches the stalked person;
(b) loiters near, watches, approaches or enters a place where the stalked person resides, works or visits;
(c) keeps the stalked person under surveillance;
(d) interferes with property in the possession of the stalked person;
(e) gives or sends offensive material to the stalked person or leaves offensive material where it is likely to be found by,
given to or brought to the attention of, the stalked person;
(f) telephones, sends electronic messages to or otherwise contacts the stalked person;
(g) sends electronic messages about the stalked person to anybody else;
(h) makes electronic messages about the stalked person available to anybody else;
(i) acts covertly in a way that could reasonably be expected to arouse apprehension or fear in the stalked person;
(j) engages in conduct amounting to intimidation, harassment or molestation of the stalked person.
(3) However, this section does not apply to reasonable conduct engaged in by a person as part of the person’s employment if it is a function of the person’s employment to engage in the conduct and the conduct is not otherwise unlawful.

(4) Without limiting subsection (1), a person is also taken to have the intent mentioned in the subsection if the person knows that, or is reckless about whether, stalking the other person would be likely—
(a) to cause apprehension or fear of harm in the person stalked or someone else; or
(b) to harass the person stalked.
(5) In a prosecution for an offence against subsection (1), it is not necessary to prove that the person stalked or someone else apprehended or feared harm or that the person stalked was harassed.
(6) For this section:
harm means physical harm, harm to mental health, or disease, whether permanent or temporary.
harm to mental health includes psychological harm.
physical harm includes unconsciousness, pain, disfigurement and physical contact that might reasonably be objected to in the circumstances, whether or not there was an awareness of the contact at the time.

kakosi said :

Have you ever noticed how you never get a good looking stalker? They’re always unwashed dirty and mentally ill.

Please don’t flatter yourself darling. I’m sure that bloke was just simply walking the same route you were and lived nearby. If it made you feel special that’s okay though we can pretend.

I am sick of people using ‘mentally ill’ as a put down.

Nice way to pass judgement on an entire generation based on the banal conversation of one particularly unintelligent part of it.

Tetranitrate said :

EvanJames said :

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

Blame their nasty, lazy, insufferably greedy parents.

A very good point.

Tetranitrate4:41 pm 19 Dec 11

EvanJames said :

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

Blame their nasty, lazy, insufferably greedy parents.

Have you ever noticed how you never get a good looking stalker? They’re always unwashed dirty and mentally ill.

Can’t see how meeting for a coffee is stalking. Tapping someones phone so you can tag along when they meet someone else sure.

Maybe ‘stalking’ is the new word for ‘he’s still having sex with his x-girlfriend’

“It’s almost as though being stalked is the new cool, that it somehow confers on the stalkee an air of mystery or desire, that unless you’re being stalked or have been stalked, you’re like such a loser”

Yes it is. Yes they do. You are not a loser. Unbelievable………………

Keijidosha said :

Take the conversation with a grain of salt (or a lump of 2×4 to your head). Protip: Kids are melodramatic.

+1, the kids probably don’t even know what AVO stands for.

Classified said :

Stop pretending you’re young!

Just old enough to know better.

johnboy said :

EvanJames said :

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

Ahh, the same old chestnut as found on the walls of the pyramids.

Stop pretending you’re young!

Take the conversation with a grain of salt (or a lump of 2×4 to your head). Protip: Kids are melodramatic.

EvanJames said :

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

Ahh, the same old chestnut as found on the walls of the pyramids.

The young people of today have to be the most unpleasant crew yet. Idle and nasty.

gospeedygo said :

The difference between stalking and not stalking is how attractive you are.

No, how attractive you are is the difference between sexual harrassment and “OMG, Steve from accounts was just flirting with me. He’s totes hot and stuff”.

The difference between stalking and not stalking is how attractive you are.

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