The CT reports that some in Struggleville have a gripe against the Fed Gov because the flood relief programs have come a bit too late for them.
Sounds more like sour grapes… something along the lines “We had a flood a month ago and we’re only getting our handout now!”
While understanding that the flood in Queanbeyan did have a serious impact on some people, families, business, etc. you have to agree that it is somewhat insignificant compared to the devestation being wrought upon our north and western neighbours where the initial conservative estimates of the damage are 1% of GDP, not mentioning the personal, physical or emotional trauma left on multiple communities.
The challenge is if you genuinely need your hand out to rebuild use it, but if you are using it to upgrade the carpet, couch, etc. (which you were going to do anyway) then think about donating your portion to someone that can genuinely use is it (eg. the QLD or WA flood relief program, the SES, Salvo’s, etc.).