No Fires: Total fire ban imposed ahead of hot and windy conditions in the ACT.
Canberrans can look forward to a sunny and windy Valentine’s Day this Wednesday (14 February), prompting the Emergency Services Agency to issue a total fire ban for the ACT, with fire danger levels predicted to be severe.
Temperatures can sore as high as 32 degrees, with light winds up to 45 km/h in the morning, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
In anticipation of potential fires, the ACT Government has advised that a number of selected nature reserves and roads will be closed for the duration of the fire ban. These are:
- Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve (the Visitor Centre will remain open);
- Selected roads within Namadgi National Park including Apollo Road, Orroral Road, Old Mill Road, Warks Road, Mount Franklin Road at Piccadilly Circus, and the Corin Dam Road (the Namadgi Visitor Centre will remain open);
- Googong Foreshores;
- Kowen Forest;
- Lower Molonglo River Corridor;
- Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve;
- Mulligans Flat Woodlands Sanctuary; and
- Centenary Trail between Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve and Hall.
The Boboyan Road and Brindabella Road will remain open to through traffic, as will the swimming areas at the Cotter and along the Murrumbidgee River such as Kambah Pool, Pine Island, Point Hut and Uriarra Crossing.
The Canberra Nature Park and all pine forest areas (other than Kowen Forest) will remain open till no later than 10 am.
Electric barbeques provided at the Cotter, Casuarina Sands, Pine Island and in Canberra’s urban parks will be available, however, all gas barbeques will be turned off.
For up-to-date total fire ban declarations and more information about how they affect you, visit the ACT Emergency Services Agency website www.esa.act.gov.au, follow @ACT_ESA on Twitter or like ACT Emergency Services Agency on Facebook.