Telstra Tower, Billy Zane and Jake Ryan all feature in which movie together? Photo: File.
Looking to prove your smarts in your command of Canberra facts and general knowledge trivia?
If so, this week’s Ken Behrens Quiz is just for you.
Make it a household challenge, or take it on as a team – warning, we have now updated this article with the answers at the bottom
- Which of the following has not been an ACT number plate slogan? ‘CBR: Australia’s Cool Capital’, ‘Feel the Power of Canberra’, or ‘Canberra: An Age Friendly City’?
- Which Canberra band made both the NRL and AFL official finals songs in 2020?
- Can you name the countries that when spelt with capital letters contain no closed letters of A, B, D, O, P, Q and R?
- Ella O’Connor is the real name of which singer?
- The Dolphins is the name of which new sporting team?
- Clem Cummings designed what iconic piece of Canberra architecture in 1974?
- What is the only song to ever appear on the Billboard Hot 100 with a palindromic title performed by a band with a palindromic name? (A palindrome reads the same backwards as forwards)
- Which Canberra craft brewery is older – BentSpoke Brewing Co or Capital Brewing Co?
Which Canberra craft brewery came first? BentSpoke Brewing Co or Capital Brewing Co? Photo: BentSpoke Brewing Co.
- What is the top speed you are legally allowed to travel on an e-scooter in Canberra?
- In which movie would you find Phillip Sherman, from 42 Wallaby Way in Sydney?
- What was built in the UK, cost $170,000 and has a head like a turtle, body like a giant cetacean and 10 hanging breasts?
- Where would you find the Sea of Tranquility?
How fast can you legally travel on an e-scooter in Canberra? Photo: Michelle Kroll.
- Which part of Canberra was once commonly referred to as ‘Nappy Valley’?
- Billy Zane, Jake Ryan and Telstra Tower all star in which sci-fi movie filmed in the ACT?
- What three-letter word has the most definitions in English?
- What competition from 1985 to 1992 was held on Lake Burley Griffin and had a cash prize of $10,000?
- What links these Canberra suburbs – Scullin, Deakin, Watson, Reid, Fisher, Cook and Whitlam?
What is the link between the Canberra suburbs of Scullin, Deakin, Watson, Reid, Fisher, Cook and Whitlam? Photo: Region Media.
- Paralympics flag bearers Danni di Toro and Ryley Batt represent Australia in what sports?
- In which film did Jim Carrey play bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss?
- According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which occupation has the highest percentage of singles?
ANSWERS: Don’t peek before you’ve taken the quiz!
- CBR – Australia’s Cool Capital
- Hands Like Houses
- Lorde
- The next NRL club
- Bus stops
- Bentspoke Brewing Co.
- 25 km
- Finding Nemo
- The Skywhale
- The Moon
- Tuggeranong
- Blue World Order
- Set
- Canberra Birdman Rally
- All named after former prime minister
- Wheelchair tennis and wheelchair rugby
- The Mask
- Bartenders