13 June 2024

The artists of the future create extraordinary work for the National Portrait Gallery

| Jacqueline Lyons
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Hand drawn portrait of grandmother hugging grandchild.

The work of Calypso Efkarpidis, ‘Theodora and Daphne’, from the 2023 Finalist in the age 12- 15 category. Photos: National Portrait Gallery.

Showing skills and insights beyond their years, the work of the young finalists of this year’s Little Darlings Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery is astounding.

Inspired by the Portrait Gallery’s Darling Portrait Prize, the Little Darlings Youth Portrait Prize is an annual national competition for primary and secondary students, with four categories across Kindergarten to Year 12.

For the 2024 prize, entrants were asked to respond to the theme ‘My story’ by painting, drawing, photographing, printing or combining all of these to make their portrait.

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This year marks the third year for young artists to show off their work in an event that has increased in popularity.

National Portrait Gallery staff judges Marina Neilson and Mark Mohell, together with guest judge and celebrated children’s book author Jeannie Baker, selected 12 portraits from over 550 entries for the exhibition presented exclusively at the National Portrait Gallery until September 2024.

National Portrait Gallery curator Dr Emma Kindred says that there are no winners or losers when it comes to the prize.

“Everyone who takes part in putting their emotions into their artistry is exceptionally brave,” Emma says.

“It has been great to see so much enthusiasm from so many different age groups get involved this year.

“The range of emotions displayed in their work is extraordinary,” Emma says.

“Some of the work we’ve seen is nothing short of stunning.”

The works range from fine pencil drawings and intimate photographs of loved ones to acrylic and pen works to thoughtful abstract self-portraits.

“It’s just so exciting to see the kids show off their abilities, from charcoal prints to bright acrylic masterpieces; there is just no limit to what these young aspiring artists can achieve,” Emma says.

She added that the artists behind the 12 portraits should be extremely proud of themselves.

“They are truly the artists of tomorrow; it’s amazing seeing what the younger generation can achieve.”

“I think the best thing about this project is seeing the support behind them through their families. We just love seeing the parents, grandparents and siblings come and see the success of these young artists at the gallery. It’s just such a beautiful sight.”

Little Darlings Youth Portrait Prize 2024 is on display until 15 September. For more information, visit the National Portrait Gallery.

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jonathan gaul2:03 pm 14 Jun 24

Those dozen Little Darlings are a stunning tribute to the success and creative dividend of melting pot Australia. Very timely counterweight to the ugly domestic divisions and intolerance generated by Hamas’ barbarism and Israel’s response..

I agree. The wall of works on your left as you enter is mind-blowing.

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