Chief Minister Gallagher has let it be known what she plans to do following the Auditor-General’s findings of systemic and ongoing dishonesty by the Health Directorate in the compiling of statistics:
The Chief Minister has instructed the Directorate to bring in new procedures, training and governance documentation around the emergency department’s EDIS computer system. She has also instructed the Directorate to implement new computer access arrangements, including changing the reporting arrangements for the system’s administrators so that they report to a supervisor outside the hospital environment.
“The government will commission advice on best practice data security systems to be implemented as soon as practicable,” the Chief Minister said.
The Chief Minister also noted the Auditor General’s recommendations around qualitative measures of emergency department care.
“I agree with the Auditor General that there is a need to broaden out the performance measures on the ED. Our emergency departments have the highest rates of patient satisfaction in Australia and everyone who comes to our emergency departments receives high quality care,” the Chief Minister said.
The Chief Minister will write to the Auditor General to request that she review the work that has been done in 12 months.
“It is important to note that this is an issue about statistics and computer systems, not patient care. It is also about an individual who took a decision to do the wrong thing. As we all know there is never a good reason for doing the wrong thing.
What are you going to do to find the others Chief Minister? The Auditor-General’s report makes it pretty clear it can’t have been an isolated employee.
Governance documentation isn’t much use around dishonest people. Especially when you ask them to write it.