The Minister for Science is furious! Enrolments in university science courses have dropped by three-thousand in five years. So he hires Andrew Dean, an incredibly good-looking researcher, to promote science so young people will begin to think of it as cool and start enrolling.
Andrew Dean is researching Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which he uses to mimic the minds of autistic savants to improve people’s ability to draw and play music. But his research has been inconclusive and he loses his funding. The Minister promises, “if you raise enrolments by twenty percent you’ll get a decade of funding”.
But Andrew doesn’t have any impact until he gets into a punch-up with the head of fashion design at a rival uni’. This makes him an instant celebrity. The fight was over a young woman who won a national science award, but has chosen to study fashion design. Andrew is determined to get her into science. Can he do it? And will he reach his target? Or will his research come back to haunt him?
Canberra playwright Bruce Hoogendoorn’s play The Role Model was performed at The Street in 2008, Riverina Theatre Company in 2008 and Boobook Theatre in 2009. It won the 2006 Inscription Award, and was workshopped with Edward Albee. Simon Says was performed at The Street in 2009.
The Street Theatre
6 – 16 October, 7.30pm
Matinees: 9th & 16th at 2.00pm
Bookings: 6247 1123 or www.thestreet.org.au