Zed Seselja’s turned off the targeting computer and is using the force in his pursuit of just why the ACT Government seeks to build a stately pleasure dome to house all it’s minions (Gungahlin penal battalion excluded):
Katy Gallagher’s claim that the new Government Office building will save over $19 million every year collapsed today when the only evidence the government could produce was a single piece of A4 paper that was unsourced, undated, and unsubstantiated, Opposition Leader, Zed Seselja, said today.
“What has been provided is a cherry picked document that cobbles together any and all potential savings, but does not offset inevitable costs. Worse still, the cobbled together document contradicts the detailed analysis paid for by the Government,” Zed said.
“It does not include the interest the government will pay on borrowings needed to construct the building. It does not include depreciation, which government buildings are normally required to include. It does not include the hit to the bottom line for the rent that will be paid while construction is underway.
“The Chief Minister and other Labor Ministers have said on many occasions there are $19 million in supposed savings, but repeatedly could not answer how they came up with that figure.
“Nowhere in any of the 16 consultants reports released is there any mention of a $19 million dollar saving every year.
Sixteen consultants’ reports?