28 February 2011

The Michael Steep tribute video

| johnboy
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With thanks to Sunshine for the tip, here’s a tribute video to Michael Steep, the victim of the Pine Island drowning.

Take the time to see him through his friend’s eyes as we debate the woden tribute to him.

Michael Steep

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pkatet19 said :

Michael was doing his Year 10 Certificate at the CIT where I’m doing Youth Studies and he was a good-natured guy. I don’t think he’d want his friends’ tribute video edited just to please the likes of shadow boxer, Good old BCB, Wharrgarbll, gospeedygo, Pommy bastard or georgesgenitals – a fitting name for all you snobby upper class nut bags. As for Tooks, what’s wrong with standing behind a homeless guy asleep on a bench? Isn’t that photo raising some awareness? You lot just turn your backs on problems like that. And when a young person drowns, you see that as an opportunity to attack his friends who you look down upon judgmentally from your lofty perches. If your attitudes are in any way representative of wider attitudes out there, then it’s no wonder young people are feeling so hurt and betrayed. It’s no wonder we see violent riots on TV with so much hurt and anger. It doesn’t fade away quickly after something like this happens and to write such callous remarks so soon after a boy’s death is utterly reprehensible. How could you so coldly disregard the feelings of Michael’s family and friends at a time when they were still numb with shock? You pack of gutless thugs – that’s you, not the teenagers here. What sympathy were you talking about, shadow boxer? Respect comes before sympathy and you lot don’t even have any basic common human respect. You have no heart, any of you cowards. A boy drowned in an accident so you decide to air your snobby grievances. You all need to look inside yourselves and ask yourselves, “Why am I such a cowardly sadist?” Because you are sadists. The opposite of Michael. Nobody is perfect but Michael was a good-natured kid and the tribute shows him how he was. There’s nothing wrong with some reality. Thanks for posting this video and for making the nice memorial. Michael had a big heart and his friends loved him and it really shows to anyone who has a heart of their own! 🙂

You should show some respect.

Oh i love these sort of posts. A thread has officially died, nobody has commented on it for months, then a “friend” of the victim/deceased/defendant comes on to support their “bro”

pkatet19 said :

what’s wrong with standing behind a homeless guy asleep on a bench? Isn’t that photo raising some awareness?

Don’t sugar coat it, its obvious he was taking the piss. You might deny it now, but we’re not stupid. If i call up the soup patrol, would they have heard of this young man helping out?

pkatet19 said :

And when a young person drowns, you see that as an opportunity to attack his friends who you look down upon judgmentally from your lofty perches.

so verbally attacking his friends who committed offences such as “property damage” “vandalism”, “disobeying police orders” and “disturbing the peace” isnt fair? why do my tax dollars have to fix up the things you’ve done?

pkatet19 said :

It’s no wonder we see violent riots on TV with so much hurt and anger

The uk riots are caused by a bunch of idiots looking for an opportunity to damage and steal stuff.

I’m not going to bother responding to the rest of the crap, about how we’re all pathetic sadists. If you want to be the “bigger man”, write a cheque out to the council and police for the clean-up of the shrine you installed at woden. That includes the hourly wage of 20 officers who had to protect the cleaners.

I’ve gotta say, I mostly agree with pkatet19. Rereading this long dead thread I was reminded how nasty a lot of rioters were in the days and weeks following this boy’s death. I find the behaviour displayed by many of my fellow rioters much more shameful and socially obnoxious than a bunch of teenagers graffiti-ing a wall.

Michael was doing his Year 10 Certificate at the CIT where I’m doing Youth Studies and he was a good-natured guy. I don’t think he’d want his friends’ tribute video edited just to please the likes of shadow boxer, Good old BCB, Wharrgarbll, gospeedygo, Pommy bastard or georgesgenitals – a fitting name for all you snobby upper class nut bags. As for Tooks, what’s wrong with standing behind a homeless guy asleep on a bench? Isn’t that photo raising some awareness? You lot just turn your backs on problems like that. And when a young person drowns, you see that as an opportunity to attack his friends who you look down upon judgmentally from your lofty perches. If your attitudes are in any way representative of wider attitudes out there, then it’s no wonder young people are feeling so hurt and betrayed. It’s no wonder we see violent riots on TV with so much hurt and anger. It doesn’t fade away quickly after something like this happens and to write such callous remarks so soon after a boy’s death is utterly reprehensible. How could you so coldly disregard the feelings of Michael’s family and friends at a time when they were still numb with shock? You pack of gutless thugs – that’s you, not the teenagers here. What sympathy were you talking about, shadow boxer? Respect comes before sympathy and you lot don’t even have any basic common human respect. You have no heart, any of you cowards. A boy drowned in an accident so you decide to air your snobby grievances. You all need to look inside yourselves and ask yourselves, “Why am I such a cowardly sadist?” Because you are sadists. The opposite of Michael. Nobody is perfect but Michael was a good-natured kid and the tribute shows him how he was. There’s nothing wrong with some reality. Thanks for posting this video and for making the nice memorial. Michael had a big heart and his friends loved him and it really shows to anyone who has a heart of their own! 🙂

Pommy bastard said :

Calamity said :

I’d just like to say I think some of you need to keep in mind that you’re talking about a KID here, a dead kid no less, and you’re being completely hateful towards him as though, because you think he was a ‘bogan’, there is no reason to be too sad about the loss of life.

The wonder of “run on” sentences…

Can’t help but feel you’ve missed the point here. Ach well, I said my piece. Over & out.

Pommy bastard1:03 pm 10 May 11

Calamity said :

I’d just like to say I think some of you need to keep in mind that you’re talking about a KID here, a dead kid no less, and you’re being completely hateful towards him as though, because you think he was a ‘bogan’, there is no reason to be too sad about the loss of life.

The wonder of “run on” sentences…

Good old BCB said :

Yet he hung out at woden bus stop notorious for violence and abusive teenagers including underage drinking. Coincidence ? mmm probably not. He obviously broke the law by drinking underage. And paid the ultimate price. But everyone who was ‘friends’ with him were drinking underage the same weekend as the week he died. they will never understand

I’d just like to say I think some of you need to keep in mind that you’re talking about a KID here, a dead kid no less, and you’re being completely hateful towards him as though, because you think he was a ‘bogan’, there is no reason to be too sad about the loss of life. This kid would have grown up to be somebody quite different to who he was as a kid, just like most of us have. Try to use your heads and hearts, instead of big words and judgemental attitudes.

georgesgenitals10:54 am 10 Mar 11

iamawesome12 said :

shadow boxer said :

hmmm…..Hoodies, track suits, gang signs, rats tails, under age drinking and a love of flipping the world the bird while hanging out at Woden bus stop.


No need to shout.

iamawesome1210:47 am 10 Mar 11

shadow boxer said :

hmmm…..Hoodies, track suits, gang signs, rats tails, under age drinking and a love of flipping the world the bird while hanging out at Woden bus stop.


TJ2602 said :

Disrespectful. Start believing in the real world.

Just going leave this here…


Before you begin having your little ‘better for the community’ talks about the council painting the wall, and even before you touch that wall or any other memorial there, id like all the graffiti in canberra repainted and after all thats done you touch that last.

I was at the memorial yesterday after his funeral and we were talking to two undercover cops. They told us that they were there to make sure no one touched it. you have this stupid debate about how this kid looks in the video, its pretty easy isnt it, dissing a kid you wont have to ever meet cuz hey look, hes gone.

Disrespectful. Start believing in the real world.

It would be a much more tasteful and respectful tribute if those parts were removed, something the creator should’ve contemplated before uploading.

I am one of Michael’s relatives and if it weren’t for the person that posted this video on here i would not of seen it so i find this post useful. And their is not one photo of Michael pulling the finger. Also please don’t be so judgmental. Don’t judge until you can say you actually know the person. And its worse that your sitting behind a computer screen and tapping on a keyboard doing it.

Has anyone tried to talk to these young adults and given them some advise about putting up a plaque with Michael’s details on it for the life of that wall???? This is a situation where the kids are upset and they are not to sure what to do….. This is where they need some guideance from an adult. Wake up and smell the roses, Michael by the pitcures seems to be an average kid that was trying to make something of his life cause why would he be attending CIT. I think the adults need to take the upper had here and grow up!

wildturkeycanoe10:07 am 02 Mar 11

How long do we have to wait before we can paint over it then…2 weeks, 1 month, a couple of years? Get over it and move it elsewhere.
If the tribute is truly for his friends and family and you don’t want judgment or criticism from the general public, place it where they know where to view it, not where the rest of the community has to put up with it. If this is allowed to continue, the depot will become a “hall of fame” for all the drunken teens who didn’t follow society’s rules. I don’t want to be offended by them whilst they’re alive and certainly don’t want to be affronted after they leave this world.

teenageyouth9:36 pm 01 Mar 11

“hmmm…..Hoodies, track suits, gang signs, rats tails, under age drinking and a love of flipping the world the bird while hanging out at Woden bus stop.

Not my cup of tea but I guess someone loved him. I’ll save my sympathy for the innocent people of Christchurch and Gladstone.”

Good on you for being so stuck up that you cant even feel sorry for someone who just lost one of the most precious valuable things to them, a best friend, a brother, a son. you must be heartless. i dont know if you have children but if you lost your bestfriend or brother you would feel sympathy. grow up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around what you feel sorry for and what you dont, if you didnt know him unless you are going to say something respectful shut the fuck up.

niknak said :

Tooks said :

…you never knew michael… please dont judge someone you didnt know just by photos.

If he’s not to be judged for what his family and friends have released to the public about him, what do you suggest we use as a yard stick?

Given the clip shows him acting like a young hooligan, as opposed to a young man who spent his time doing volunteer work, you shouldn’t be surprised that we judge on what we’re shown.

As for the bus shelter debacle – really? Firstly, it’s about the most tasteless place a memorial could be held. People urinate and spit on those walls, for heaven’s sake. Secondly, it’s not okay to deface public property. It’s not okay to protest when cleaners attempt to remove what shouldn’t be there in the first place. There is no entitlement to take over public space just because a mate died.

The best tribute for this young man is for his friends to move forward with dignity and grace, and to become part of society’s solution, not part of society’s problem. Scramble out of the self-indulgent, tax-payer funded puddle in which you’re currently wallowing do something – anything – for the greater good. And do it in his memory.

The quote in this post should have been attributed to kaylamayyyyy, not Tooks.

Good old BCB9:08 pm 01 Mar 11


yeah council approval would probably be the correct way to go. see what they have to say. oh and most likely deal with 80-100, annoying 16 year old girls and boys.

Tooks said :

…you never knew michael… please dont judge someone you didnt know just by photos.

If he’s not to be judged for what his family and friends have released to the public about him, what do you suggest we use as a yard stick?

Given the clip shows him acting like a young hooligan, as opposed to a young man who spent his time doing volunteer work, you shouldn’t be surprised that we judge on what we’re shown.

As for the bus shelter debacle – really? Firstly, it’s about the most tasteless place a memorial could be held. People urinate and spit on those walls, for heaven’s sake. Secondly, it’s not okay to deface public property. It’s not okay to protest when cleaners attempt to remove what shouldn’t be there in the first place. There is no entitlement to take over public space just because a mate died.

The best tribute for this young man is for his friends to move forward with dignity and grace, and to become part of society’s solution, not part of society’s problem. Scramble out of the self-indulgent, tax-payer funded puddle in which you’re currently wallowing do something – anything – for the greater good. And do it in his memory.

Milzx said :

imissyou said :

To think that someone or anyone could be so disrespectful is beyond me, Michael passed away 5 days ago and already you are all judging him just because of things you believe you have seen. You didn’t know anything about him nor what he was like, so i think it’s best if you leave him and his family and friends alone.

yes i agree, leave them alone!

thank you! and his name is Michael, they are just assholes who need to feed on other peoples lives and be disrespectful to make themselves feel better

georgesgenitals7:44 pm 01 Mar 11

Milzx said :

imissyou said :

To think that someone or anyone could be so disrespectful is beyond me, Michael passed away 5 days ago and already you are all judging him just because of things you believe you have seen. You didn’t know anything about him nor what he was like, so i think it’s best if you leave him and his family and friends alone.

yes i agree, leave them alone!

Hassling you guys is like teasing animals in the zoo.

Douche said :

.Would any one be able advise of just one legal thing-will we be arrested and fined for bringing the wall to it’s original colour, without any writing on it?

If i was you, I’d speak to the local council and get written permission..

Good old BCB said :

i’ll gladly help you paint the wall

I am being serious.Would any one be able advise of just one legal thing-will we be arrested and fined for bringing the wall to it’s original colour, without any writing on it?

imissyou said :

To think that someone or anyone could be so disrespectful is beyond me, Michael passed away 5 days ago and already you are all judging him just because of things you believe you have seen. You didn’t know anything about him nor what he was like, so i think it’s best if you leave him and his family and friends alone.

yes i agree, leave them alone!

I didnt know alexander, but i can tell that he is so loved by many people, and i think people that have have the guts to pass judgement to publicly are completely rude! i can tell someone put alot of effort into this video and it was very touching, alexander is no different to the people in christchurch “shadow boxer” his death was also a tragedy.
none of you have the right to comment such rude things.
this was a lovely video, im sure he wouldve loved it to whoever made it 🙂

To think that someone or anyone could be so disrespectful is beyond me, Michael passed away 5 days ago and already you are all judging him just because of things you believe you have seen. You didn’t know anything about him nor what he was like, so i think it’s best if you leave him and his family and friends alone.

Good old BCB6:03 pm 01 Mar 11

“drunk underaged, smoked, gotten into fights. that is what young people do. i did it before i was legally able to do things.”

So, what you are saying is, you are a criminal?
& no not every young person drinks, smokes and fights.
Lots of us actually wanted to live good lives and have a decent future.
Clearly you just want to be a nuisance.


i’ll gladly help you paint the wall

dazzab said :

What a lovely tribute to your friend. Thanks for making it and sharing it with us. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I might make a point to come by the bus exchange and see the tribute for myself.

Let me know if you want to paint over the wall-I am in!!

What a lovely tribute to your friend. Thanks for making it and sharing it with us. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I might make a point to come by the bus exchange and see the tribute for myself.

kaylamayy said :

Tooks said :

A couple of those pics – like the underage drinking, the numerous one finger salutes, and what looks like him mocking a homeless guy – should probably have been left out.

you never knew michael.
everyone i have known, family, friends even my grandparents all have been there & drunk underaged, smoked, gotten into fights. that is what young people do. i did it before i was legally able to do things. it doesnt matter what he did or where he hung out. these photos are all we have of michael now. this is a beautiful video. everytime i watch it, i cry. please dont judge someone you didnt know just by photos.

My point – which you obviously missed – is that showing the PUBLIC such images doesn’t paint him in the best light and perhaps should’ve been kept among friends and family. Just my opinion – don’t spit the dummy because it’s different to yours.

kaylamayy said :

everyone i have known, family, friends even my grandparents all have been there & drunk underaged, smoked, gotten into fights. that is what young people do. i did it before i was legally able to do things.

Lol, please speak for yourself…

ast_6 said :

In case you haven’t noticed or are unaware, we’re 16 so exscuse us for not making a tribute that is up to your standards.

Keep digging.

ast_6 said :

Wharrgarbll said :

ast_6 said :

This video was a tribute for Michael, to and from his friends and family. It was not made for any nosy judgement.

Then why post this “tribute” in public, on Youtube, for absolutely everyone to see, with references to how the deceased “liked to have a drink”, while showing pictures of him drinking and giving the finger?

The largely understood point of a tribute is to focus on a person’s actions that made society a better place. Showing off how he could swallow alcohol from a bottle and offend passersby with his hands do not fall into this criteria.

It would be a much more tasteful and respectful tribute if those parts were removed, something the creator should’ve contemplated before uploading.

In case you haven’t noticed or are unaware, we’re 16 so exscuse us for not making a tribute that is up to your standards.

I’m sure there are 16 yr. olds who would uphold similar standards to what whargarbll has presented given the opportunity. Age isn’t as much of an excuse as you make it out to be.

Tooks said :

A couple of those pics – like the underage drinking, the numerous one finger salutes, and what looks like him mocking a homeless guy – should probably have been left out.

you never knew michael.
everyone i have known, family, friends even my grandparents all have been there & drunk underaged, smoked, gotten into fights. that is what young people do. i did it before i was legally able to do things. it doesnt matter what he did or where he hung out. these photos are all we have of michael now. this is a beautiful video. everytime i watch it, i cry. please dont judge someone you didnt know just by photos.

ast_6 said :

In case you haven’t noticed or are unaware, we’re 16 so exscuse us for not making a tribute that is up to your standards.

Well, why not ask someone who could make a respectful tribute? Or why not make this one private and only screen it to the intended audience?

Age isn’t an excuse. There are plenty of intelligent teenagers on this planet. Please don’t demean their efforts and knowledge by saying that you’re incapable of thinking because you’re sixteen.

Wharrgarbll said :

ast_6 said :

This video was a tribute for Michael, to and from his friends and family. It was not made for any nosy judgement.

Then why post this “tribute” in public, on Youtube, for absolutely everyone to see, with references to how the deceased “liked to have a drink”, while showing pictures of him drinking and giving the finger?

The largely understood point of a tribute is to focus on a person’s actions that made society a better place. Showing off how he could swallow alcohol from a bottle and offend passersby with his hands do not fall into this criteria.

It would be a much more tasteful and respectful tribute if those parts were removed, something the creator should’ve contemplated before uploading.

In case you haven’t noticed or are unaware, we’re 16 so exscuse us for not making a tribute that is up to your standards.

Wharrgarbll said :

It would be a much more tasteful and respectful tribute if those parts were removed, something the creator should’ve contemplated before uploading.

I’d guess those were come of the creator’s favourite parts.

ast_6 said :

This video was a tribute for Michael, to and from his friends and family. It was not made for any nosy judgement.

Then why post this “tribute” in public, on Youtube, for absolutely everyone to see, with references to how the deceased “liked to have a drink”, while showing pictures of him drinking and giving the finger?

The largely understood point of a tribute is to focus on a person’s actions that made society a better place. Showing off how he could swallow alcohol from a bottle and offend passersby with his hands do not fall into this criteria.

It would be a much more tasteful and respectful tribute if those parts were removed, something the creator should’ve contemplated before uploading.

colourful sydney racing identity2:25 pm 01 Mar 11

ast_6 said :

This video was a tribute for Michael, to and from his friends and family. It was not made for any nosy judgement. Michael was a good friend to many and a good person. Whether he wore tracksuits and hoodies or had a rats tail, he or no one else deserves to die under those circumstances. He was not hurting anyone and if he even was drinking alcohol underage, there was no reason for him to die. Not to say other various natural disasters causing death are not tragic or in any way less significant, but how can you rank the life of one above another. Lots of people loved Michael and have lost a friend, cousin, brother or grandson. For those unsympathetic to the heartbreaking loss of life here or the opportunities Michael will now never know, he was loved and will always, always will be.

I never knew him but amen.

This video was a tribute for Michael, to and from his friends and family. It was not made for any nosy judgement. Michael was a good friend to many and a good person. Whether he wore tracksuits and hoodies or had a rats tail, he or no one else deserves to die under those circumstances. He was not hurting anyone and if he even was drinking alcohol underage, there was no reason for him to die. Not to say other various natural disasters causing death are not tragic or in any way less significant, but how can you rank the life of one above another. Lots of people loved Michael and have lost a friend, cousin, brother or grandson. For those unsympathetic to the heartbreaking loss of life here or the opportunities Michael will now never know, he was loved and will always, always will be.

A couple of those pics – like the underage drinking, the numerous one finger salutes, and what looks like him mocking a homeless guy – should probably have been left out.

colourful sydney racing identity9:52 am 01 Mar 11

shadow boxer said :

hmmm…..Hoodies, track suits, gang signs, rats tails, under age drinking and a love of flipping the world the bird while hanging out at Woden bus stop.

Not my cup of tea but I guess someone loved him. I’ll save my sympathy for the innocent people of Christchurch and Gladstone.

under age drinking? Oh noes the youf of today! Seriously, were you ever young?

Good old BCB9:49 am 01 Mar 11

Yet he hung out at woden bus stop notorious for violence and abusive teenagers including underage drinking. Coincidence ? mmm probably not. He obviously broke the law by drinking underage. And paid the ultimate price. But everyone who was ‘friends’ with him were drinking underage the same weekend as the week he died. they will never understand

To be honest, just leave it you guys.

He didnt do a Mully, he died accidentally & there is no evidence that he was ever in trouble with the law.

Wonder what his BAC was….

shadow boxer8:23 am 01 Mar 11

hmmm…..Hoodies, track suits, gang signs, rats tails, under age drinking and a love of flipping the world the bird while hanging out at Woden bus stop.

Not my cup of tea but I guess someone loved him. I’ll save my sympathy for the innocent people of Christchurch and Gladstone.

thanks for posting this JB – watching the whole video brought me to tears.

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