What’s not to like about a lobby group assessing the performance of Government regulation of its members and releasing a report card?
Simon Corbell is quite happy with what they had to say about his work.
“I am very pleased to see an improvement in the way our planning system is working, according to this report card produced by the Property Council of Australia, from 6.2 to 6.5 and look forward to working hard on ways to further improve the planning system in the ACT,” Mr Corbell said.
“There is always room for improvement, but overall, this snap-shot of the ACT planning system is a good result and one that is a strong base to continue to build on.
“I acknowledge particularly the commendation of the Property Council on the positive aspects of the report including a „track-based? system and high take up of easy to use e-DA lodgements.”
The Liberal’s Zed Seselja on the other hand worries that not enough is being done to make property developers happy:
“Today’s report highlights a number of concerns with the government’s management of the planning system,” Mr Seselja said.
“Worryingly, it also states that the agency referral system consistently fails to meet deadlines and that Territory and Municipal Services and ActewAGL are ‘serial under-performers’.?