If you like your iron big and local (and really who doesn’t) then this video posted by NCINationalFacility is for you:
The Fujitsu Primergy cluster high-performance supercomputer was constructed at the National Computational Infrastructure in late 2012. Located at The Australian National University, the machine has:
57,000 cores = 15,000 home PC’s
160 terabytes of RAM = 40,000 home PC’s
10 petabytes of hard disc = 10,000 PC hard drives
1,200 teraflops of peak computational performance = 5 months worth of calculations by 1 billion people armed with calculators, in just 1 second.
9 terabyes of network = 9 million home internet bandwidth connectionsDebuting at #24 on the world in the Top500 list of best supercomputers, the HPC is constructed based on the technology developed for the ‘K’ computer in Japan, which was until recently the world’s fastest computer.
NCI’s advanced computing infrastructure is funded through programs of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, while its operations are sustained through the substantial co-investment by a number of partner organisations including ANU, CSIRO, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia, a number of Australia’s research-intensive universities, and the Australian Research Council.
Fujitsu is the world’s third largest IT Services Company, and has over 40 years of history in developing Supercomputing technology.