So a couple of weeks ago I was very excited while in Tilley’s for a quick beer, to see a poster for Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen’s concert at that very venue on 21 October (this very day).
So I asked at the bar if they would sell me tickets. The answer was no, but they would find out were i could get them from.
Canberra Ticketing was the eventual answer five minutes later. So I went home, forgot about it, remembered about it the next day, and went to the Canberra Ticketing website, to discover the event wasn’t listed. So I googled the band, found a contact email, explained where I was up to, and asked where tickets could be obtained from. The next day they came back with a very polite note explaining that they’d been in touch with both Tilley’s and Canberra Ticketing and the event would be on the website in a couple of days time, or I could go into the theatre.
Last Wednesday there was still no sign of the event on the Canberra Ticketing website. Today I went down to the bloody theatre to find that this day, and this day only, they were completely shut (lucky I hadn’t booked and been going in to pick up my tickets).
At this point I gave up. Yes I could try for tickets on the door, but I’d have liked to have booked a whole table and gone with friends and for that I need the certainty of tickets in advance.
I should note it’s not Mikelangelo’s fault, he’s the one getting punished.
Stuck between the incompetence and intransigence of Tilley’s and Canberra Ticketing he’s going to need a lot of luck. I’ll stay in, fire up the BBQ, and watch my girlfriend play Lemmings on the PS2 instead.
But wait, there’s more, the event is on their website NOW, but I’ve already bought dinner and can’t be arsed anymore.
Here endeth the whinge.